Boynton Aerospace Science Academy Awarded First Place in FAA Airport Design Challenge

Jan. 25, 2021

The Boca Raton Airport congratulates Maria A. Sklar, J.D. and Team BASA from the Boynton Aerospace Science Academy for their first place win in the FAA Airport Design Challenge. “We are honored that BASA selected the Boca Raton Airport for the challenge,” said Boca Raton Airport Authority Executive Director Clara Bennett, adding, “We also want to recognize and congratulate all the students who participated.” Second place went to The 3 Kopecs, Wiley Post Airport, with third place going to Pro Minecrafter, Bolinder Field-Tooele Valley Airport.

The FAA Airport Design Challenge began in October and lasted five weeks. Over 1,300 students from 22 different countries participated. The students participated in weekly meetings with the FAA covering topics of airport layout, pavement, lighting, structures, and innovative growth. Students took quizzes on the material covered during the meetings, selected an airport to design and utilized Minecraft to complete the challenge. 

The Boca Raton Airport has an ongoing partnership with the BASA program. Students typically visit the airport during the academic year, allowing them to see the daily operations and learn about careers in aviation. Currently, BASA students are learning about and shadowing the Boca Raton Airport Master Plan project. Students are using virtual meetings to discuss all aspects of the Airport Master Plan, with updates on the status of the plan, steps involved in the project, FAA requirements and why the plan is vital for the Airport. 

“We look forward to continuing our relationship with BASA and developing new relationships with other student groups," said Bennett. "Student and community outreach is part of the Airport's strategic goals, and this is just one way we strive to achieve that goal."

Courtesy of the Metropolitan Airports Commission