Indy Airport Celebrates Inaugural First-Ever Flight to Key West

Dec. 3, 2021
Key West marks 22nd nonstop flight launched in 2021.

Indianapolis Airport Authority Executive Director Mario Rodriguez comments on Allegiant Air’s inaugural first-ever seasonal nonstop flight to Key West out of Indianapolis.

“As of this week, and for the first-time ever out of Indy, Hoosiers can easily travel to the Florida Keys and enjoy its iconic emerald waters, sandy beaches and local artists, history and culture,” said Indianapolis Airport Authority Executive Director Mario Rodriguez.

The Dec. 2. flight marks the 22nd nonstop flight to launch in 2021, and comes on the heels of Allegiant’s new nonstop from Indy to Palm Springs that launched on Nov. 18 expanding the Indy airport’s connectivity across the Western United States.

Allegiant also currently offers nonstop flights out of Indianapolis to Austin, Boston, Las Vegas and Palm Springs, as well as the Florida cities of Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Orlando, Punta Gorda, Sarasota/Bradenton and St. Petersburg.

In addition to the Allegiant destinations, Hoosiers can also access nonstop flights to a number of other prominent Florida cities, such as Miami (American Airlines), Orlando (Frontier Airlines, Spirit Airlines, Southwest Airlines and United Airlines), Ft. Lauderdale (Southwest and Spirit), Ft. Myers (Frontier, Southwest, Spirit and United), Pensacola (Spirit), Sarasota/Bradenton (Southwest) and Tampa (Southwest and Spirit).

Rodriguez says the operations base Allegiant established at the Indy airport in 2018 has been advantageous, allowing the airline to be more agile during pandemic recovery with their route schedule and flight frequency.

Courtesy of the Metropolitan Airports Commission