BOOTSTRAP NITROGEN BOOSTERS Bootstrap Booster Unit for charging on-board helicopter "Pop Float" inflation bottles.
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H o w t h e y w o r k
These units are simple area ratio piston type boosters that automatically reciprocate when gas pressure, up to 150 psi, is applied to the large low pressure drive piston. This piston is directly connected to small high pressure pistons inside the booting sections of both ends of the drive. Each boost section contains integral inlet and outlet check valves thereby producing a pumping action. Unregulated Nitrogen or Helium from a supply cylinder(s) is directly connected at maximum pressure to the boost sections. Nitrogen to the drive section is regulated to 115- 120 psi by the integral drive control system Wearing parts are low cost elastomers and self lubricating engineering plastics, all available in seal kits, are field replaceable with simple instructions and conventional hand tools. Both units are lightweight, 1-man-portable, weather resistant and operate in any position.
A p p l i c a t i o n s
Both models have been designed for operators of helicopters and/or small aircraft where a portable self-powered booster is needed for ground support. The primary application is to service the high pressure on-board Nitrogen or Helium bottles on helicopters equipped with emergency inflatable “Pop Type” floats. However, using either model to service other components needing high pressure Nitrogen such as shock struts and precharging hydraulic accumulators is also common.
M o d e l S e l e c t i o n
Model 17934-1 is the original low cost single stage Nitrogen unit designed specifically for the 2,800 to 3,000 psi flight bottles still used on many commercial helicopters. The 55390 is a 2 stage unit, suitable for all applications including the newer high pressure flight bottles (up to 5,500 psi) charged with nitrogen or Helium. It includes adjustable automatic air pilot switch to stop at a preselected output pressure and integral adjustable output safety relief with 0-7,500 psi gauge.
Required by F.A.A. under F.A.R. regulation 135.183 if flying over water beyond the point where landing would be possible if engine failed.