Columbia Metropolitan Airport Modernizes Badging with Civix's ASCX Solution
Located in a rapidly growing area, with several carriers, expanding cargo operations and an adjacent military base, the future for Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE) seemed limitless – with one glaring exception. Its legacy ID Management System couldn't keep pace. That's when CAE turned to Civix and its Airport Secure Credentials Express (ASCX) solution.
ASCX is a hardware and software solution that consolidates all identity management information into one view, managing background checks, biometric data, badging, continuous vetting, and auditing – all in a configurable off-the-shelf package. CAE now has two kiosks at the airport where personnel can receive, update, and verify credentials, as well as keep up with recurrent training and regulatory requirements.
Civix's team of aviation experts built ASCX to anticipate airport-specific credentialing needs for all sizes of operations. The result is an airport-focused application that yields the highest levels of efficiency and speed and eliminates human error in the credentialing process.
"Like many airports, Columbia's badging system was outdated. Now everything is centralized and streamlined, from initial badging to mandated training and background checks," said Tobie Curry, Civix product manager and ASCX expert. "That's huge when you consider Columbia manages more than 1,100 badges and over 140 companies work there."
ASCX automatically integrates the background checks through TelosID as well as electronic trainings based on the icons or "endorsements" on each individual's badge. The system will automatically suspend a badge if a training has expired, and it sends notifications.
"Training updates, documentation, background checks, everything is now streamlined and handled seamlessly via one comprehensive system. It's a huge leap forward for Columbia and we're proud to have helped make it happen," he said.
When integrated with an airport's designated aviation channeler (DAC), learning system (iLS), access control system, and other critical integration points, ASCX automates and streamlines the entire process. It removes the burden from the badging office and make self-service easy for badge applicants, badge holders, and authorized signers. The result is a more efficient airport and more accurate data collection effort, helping airports do more with less.
"The airport has cut its badge processing time by nearly 70%," Curry continued. "The kiosks allow for self-service, and since they're integrated and automated, it speeds up the process for everyone involved."
ASCX integrates with the airport's access control system, communicating the predefined access per individual based on their role, company, and the job they are fulfilling. Within two minutes of printing, verified individuals can use their badges to open secure doors.
"One of the greatest benefits is that Trusted Agents are able to focus on security of the airport and less on the administrative tasks which are done by the applicant utilizing the automation of the kiosk," he said.
Civix biometric and credentialing solutions are highly configurable and built to work with all sizes of operations – from the Department of Homeland Security, the Alaska Department of Transportation, and individual airports like CAE.