Eagle Integrated Solutions (A Division of Team Eagle Ltd.)

Campbellford, Ontario KOL 1LO


About Eagle Integrated Solutions (A Division of Team Eagle Ltd.)


10 Trent Drive
Campbellford, Ontario KOL 1LO

More Info on Eagle Integrated Solutions (A Division of Team Eagle Ltd.)

Eagle Integrated Solutions (EIS) is a global supplier of management systems to help maintain effective and safe airfield operations. We custom design scaleable GPS/GIS based airfield inspection, navigation and incursion management solutions. Our products can be incorporated into all areas of safety management systems for airfields, plus are further enhanced by automated data storage, retrieval and analysis tools to provide airfield management the comfort of knowing they can maximize the effectiveness of their operations.

Products and Press Releases

Eagleintegrated 10240615
Cabin Communications

EagleEye Driver's Enhanced Vision System

June 2, 2010
EagleEye Driver’s Enhanced Vision System and related ATIMS Asset Tracking and Incursion Management System are being used to help ARFF departments navigate, track, and improve ...
Allseasonmultipurposechassis 10133470
Grounds Maintenance & Equipment

All Season Multi-purpose Chassis

Oct. 7, 2009
Large, medium and small airports can make use of this extremely tough new all season multi-purpose chassis. Blow, plow and sweep
Winterequipment 10133086
Snow, Ice, & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Removal

Winter Equipment

Sept. 15, 2008
Eagle Airfield (a division of Team Eagle) is Canada’s leading supplier of ‘industry-best’ snow and ice control equipment, ARFF vehicles and GPS-based Safety Management Systems...
Winteropspro 10025400
Deicing / Anti-icing Equipment & Services

WinterOps Pro

June 22, 2007
Eagle Integrated Solutions offers WinterOps Pro™, which provides advanced runway condition measurement (friction and temperature) and reporting by combining sensors, Global Positioning...
Safetyawarenesssystems 10025548
Airport Technology

Safety ' Awareness Systems

June 22, 2007
Eagle Integrated Solutions Inc. (EISI) offers proven airfield solutions for both military and civilian aerodromes that integrate the latest in GPS / GIS technology and communications...
Atimsassettrackingincursionmanagementsystem 10026158
IT Software

ATIMS™: Asset Tracking ' Incursion Management System

June 22, 2007
Eagle Integrated Solutions' ATIMS™: Asset Tracking & Incursion Management System Allows for the viewing of airfield vehicle activity, both in real-time and historically, right...


Paul Cudmore

General Manager

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All content from Eagle Integrated Solutions (A Division of Team Eagle Ltd.)

Aviation Security

Integrated Security Systems

June 22, 2007
EAGLE Integrated Solutions Inc.'s Security Ops Pro allows you to monitor employees and vehicles in real-time and determine if they are allowed to be in their present location,...
Deicingantiicingequipmentproductsandservices 10024902
Deicing / Anti-icing Equipment & Services

De-Icing Anti-Icing Equipment, Products, and Services

June 22, 2007
Eagle Integrated Solutions presents Winter Ops Pro GPS/GIS systems that tell you where and when to anti-ice and de-ice. The system also tell your equipment what to do. The SnowDesk...
Snow, Ice, & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Removal

Snow and Ice Control Equipment

June 22, 2007
Eagle Airfield Ltd. is a manufacturer and reseller of leading edge snow and ice control equipment and SNIC systems. Using GPS/GIS/Comms systems, our anti-icing sprayers and deicing...
IT Software


June 22, 2007
Accurately collect runway condition information and easily report the status to all stalkholders. Manage the deployment and tracking of vehicles and equipment on the airfield ...
Battsdeicers 10025394
Deicing / Anti-icing Equipment & Services

Batts Deicers

June 22, 2007
Eagle Airfield Limited offers Batts Deicers. Batts products include slide-in, trailer mounted and chassis mounted anti-icing sprayer systems. Tank capacities range from 500 to...
Epokespreaders 10025396
Deicing / Anti-icing Equipment & Services

Epoke Spreaders

June 22, 2007
Eagle Airfield Ltd. offers Epoke Spreaders. Epoke includes slide-in, trailer-mounted and chassis-mounted deicing spreaders. Dry material, prewet dry material and combination liquid...
Eagleeyedriversenhancedvisionsystemdevs 10026160
Airport Technology

Eagle Eye™ Driver's Enhanced Vision System (DEVS)

June 22, 2007
Eagle Integrated Solutions' EagleEye™ DEVS system combines a moving map display with an optional infrared thermal imager to give your rescue crews the information they need to...