D-Zolve, available in two versions, 15-33 R for spray-on or brush-on and 15-33 IM for immersion, is a paint stripper and remover designed to safely remove several layers of aircraft paint. It efficiently removes epoxy primer with cross-linked polyurethane top coats including MIL P23377 Epoxy or TTP 2760 Flexible Polyurethane and MIL C85285 Polyurethane topcoat, Fluid Resistant BMS 10-11-V Type 1, BMS 10-60-H, BMS 10-7-9 and Desothane 6221T. It also removes topcoats with high solid content fluoride and other high solid content polyurethanes. It exhibits a long active life and slow rate of evaporation and excellent clinging properties even on vertical surfaces and the undersides of wings and fuselage.It can be easily sprayed using an airless spraying system, or applied with a brush and smoothed out with a plastic spatula. Designed to minimize health and environmental risks, D-Zolve is noncarcinogenic, nonflammable, nonacidic, and contains no chlorinated components. It has minimal or no hazardous air pollution potential and is designed to serve as a high performance, safe replacement for methylene chloride that does not structurally degrade aircraft metals. For a free sample contact Solvent Kleene Inc. at (978) 531-2279 or www.solventkleene.com.