Fifty Years of Aviation Has Brought Me Full Circle

Aug. 19, 2021
This summer I celebrated my first solo flight by purchasing an airplane designed by my first flight instructor.

It was a typical June day in north central Wisconsin. Warm, with a breeze from the south. I was out of bed early, and soon my dad and I were headed to the Merrill Airport. I had been anxiously awaiting my 16th birthday, not because of cake and ice cream, but if all went well today, I was hoping to make my first solo flight.

Things did go well, and I made three solo take-off and landings! I recall one time looking at the empty back seat and smiling…yes, I really was alone.

The airplane I had been learning to fly in was a Piper PA-11 Cub, and my instructor was a man by the name of John Hatz.

A few years earlier, John had designed and built his own 2 place open cockpit airplane, the Hatz Biplane. Over the next few years, I would have the chance to fly in the biplane with his eldest son Lyman at the controls. Lyman and I attended high school together.

A few years later, after attending A&P school, I had the chance to help build and fly a couple of other Hatz Biplanes that were being built in the area, and over time,  would take a ride in one whenever I had the chance.

I even bought an unfinished project in the 1990’s but work, family and lack of a shop...well,  it was later sold. Yet, I would regularly keep an eye on the for-sale ads, just in case.

Fast forward 50 years.

Over the years,  I would try to fly on my birthday just as a personal way to commemorate my first solo. Sometimes in the airplane I owned at the time, a few times in a rental PA-11 Cub, an airliner on a business trip, once in a glider, or whatever, worked out. But this year, I was not quite prepared to fly the Cub on that memorable day, so no birthday flight.

What transpired next was very unexpected. Paging through one night, I came upon a new for-sale ad for a Hatz Biplane located about 250 miles from my home. I e-mailed for pictures, talked to the seller a few times, made two trips to look at it, fly it and in less than a week, it was mine...sitting in a hangar at my local airport. It was just what I wanted.

Okay, okay, call me crazy, but I cannot think of a better way to commemorate the 50 years since my first solo. I prefer to be thought of as being passionate about everything aviation!

Keep ‘em flying safely, Ron

About the Author

Ronald Donner | Aviation Consultant | AMT

Ronald (Ron) Donner has spent his entire life devoted to aviation and he holds FAA certificates as an A&P/IA, and a Commercial Pilot with Single and Multi Engine Land, Instrument Airplane and Glider ratings. Ron has worked in a variety of maintenance related roles, both technical and management in general aviation as well as with a major airline. Ron was the recipient of the 2012 National Air Transportation Association (NATA) Aviation Journalism award.  

Contact: Ron Donner

Chief Editor | Aircraft Maintenance Technology

[email protected]


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