
Weyers Cave, VA 24486


About Avotek


PO Box 146
Weyers Cave, VA 24486
United States of America

More Info on Avotek

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Avotek, of Weyers Cave, Virginia, develops and manufactures modern, fully functional aviation maintenance training systems; publishes a full line of high-quality, up-to-date textbooks that complement its training systems; and offers online training. Avotek is a Recognized NCATT Resource Provider

Avotek has earned an industry reputation for quality and excellence. Our team of authors includes mechanics, inspectors, aviation experts, and instructors. They are actively involved in aviation maintenance training or working in the aviation maintenance field. They bring their expertise to Avotek from colleges, universities, and current hands-on experience.

Products and Press Releases

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"Aircraft Nondestructive Testing"

Nov. 7, 2022
"Aircraft Nondestructive Testing" dives deep into a modern take on NDT to maintain aircraft and extend an aircraft’s useful life even more. This book explores many types of NDT...
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Maintenance IT

Avotek AMT Logbook

Aug. 31, 2022
Avotek AMT Logbook is an essential tool for aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs) or future AMTs to record the time they spend working on various aircraft or components. When...
The FAA now recognizes the Aircraft Electronics Technician (AET) certificate plus one NCATT avionics endorsement as a set of knowledge considered equivalent to completing formal training as required by the regulations (14 CFR section 65.101).
Education & Training

NCATT Radio Communication Systems (RCS) Endorsement Test Study Materials Now Available from Avotek-Online

May 25, 2022
The FAA now recognizes the Aircraft Electronics Technician (AET) certificate plus one NCATT avionics endorsement as a set of knowledge considered equivalent to completing formal...
A O Intro 147 Series
Education & Training

Avotek Introduces New Online Courses for AMT Subjects

Jan. 10, 2022
January 7, 2022 - According to the latest Pipeline Report from the Aviation Technical Education Council, 61 percent of the nation’s aviation maintenance technician (AMT) schools...
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Education & Training

Avotek Releases Aviation Mechanic Instructor’s Handbook to Bolster New Maintenance Instructors

Oct. 20, 2021
Avotek’s newest book, Aviation Mechanic Instructor’s Handbook, gives instructors the tools and knowledge they will use every day in becoming more effective, specifically in aviation...
Avotek announces publication of Thomas Eismin’s 'Avionics: Systems and Troubleshooting,' third edition.

Avionics: Systems and Troubleshooting, Third Edition

Oct. 7, 2021
Avotek announces publication of Thomas Eismin’s "Avionics: Systems and Troubleshooting," third edition. The textbook remains an advanced avionics resource for engineers, technicians...
Introduction Ac Structures Systems Powerplants
Education & Training

Introduction to Aircraft Structures, Systems, & Powerplants: A Handbook for Pilots, Mechanics, & Managers

Jan. 8, 2021
This book introduces aircraft to students in any aviation-related track of study, whether they are future mechanics/technicians, pilots, or aviation managers. High school programs...
Transport Cover
Literature & Video Resources

Transport Category Aircraft Systems 4th Edition

June 9, 2020
Designed for readers who already have some knowledge of aeronautical terminology and basic aircraft systems, this book provides in-depth explanations and detailed illustrations...


Charlie Witman

Sales Manager

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All content from Avotek

Transport Cover
Literature & Video Resources

Transport Category Aircraft Systems 4th Edition Coming Soon

June 9, 2020
The industry favorite Transport Category Aircraft Systems is now in its fourth edition. Transport aircraft systems have undergone many changes in the rapidly advancing electronic...
Education & Training

Avotek-Online has Courses for Part 147 Schools

April 20, 2020
Avotek is ready to do its part to help schools through this sudden change in direction for instruction. Over the last year we launched Avotek-Online and went live with 20 courses...
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New Avionics Series Textbook: Avionics: Beyond the AET Second Edition

Nov. 21, 2019
Its main purpose is preparing students to pass their NCATT radio communication systems, dependent navigation systems, and autonomous navigation systems tests.
Advanced Composites 4th Edition
HAZMAT Management, Products, & Services

Avotek Launches Advanced Composites 4th Edition

July 29, 2019
Ms. Foreman wrote this book to help students become the next generation of aircraft technicians by teaching them about composites and their repair.
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Avionics Training

Avotek Adds Online Avionics Training

April 17, 2019
The Avotek-Online AET test prep course is designed for technical students, those fresh out of the military, new hires, or the training manager at a repair station.
Education & Training

Avotek Offers Educational-Lab Electronics Trainers by Azimuth Aerospace Solutions

May 14, 2018
Complete your school's electronics and avionics trainers with these analog and digital training units.
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Education & Training

Advanced Composites Textbook Now Available From Avotek

Oct. 25, 2017
Advanced Composites addresses the different types of aircraft composites, including how they are used, produced, repaired and maintained on aircraft. It provides substantial information...

Avionics: Fundamentals of Aircraft Electronics

Aug. 16, 2013
Avotek is releasing its newest publication, Avionics: Fundamentals of Aircraft Electronics; The Guide to Aviation Electronics Technician Certification. This is volume one in the...

Avotek Information Resources Presents Avionics: Fundamentals of Aircraft Electronics

July 31, 2013
This is volume one in the Avotek Avionics Series, written to provide clear, concise instruction in the key elements of basic aircraft electronics.