Aviation Supplies & Academics (ASA)

Newcastle, WA 98059


About Aviation Supplies & Academics (ASA)


7005 132nd Pl SE
Newcastle, WA 98059
United States of America

More Info on Aviation Supplies & Academics (ASA)

ASA is an industry leader in the development and sale of aviation supplies, software, and books for aviation technicians, pilots, flight instructors, flight engineers, airline professionals, and air traffic controllers. Established in 1947, ASA continues a long heritage of providing the aviation community with what are considered industry-standard training and reference publications. For technical support email [email protected] or call (800) 272-2359. Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. M-F PST.

Products and Press Releases

Esap 300 10818626
Airports & Municipalities

Communications Trainer

Oct. 23, 2012
The Communications Trainer is a tool for learning, practicing, and improving radio communications skills. This interactive tutorial and audio soundtrack covers both VFR and IFR...
Iastudysoftware 10139396
Education & Training

IA study software

Oct. 30, 2009
Aviation Supplies & Academics offers comprehensive preparation and study software for the Inspection Authorization FAA Knowledge Exam. It allows you to have the accuracy and reliability...

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