FAA Safety Briefing

March 12, 2018
The March/April issue is available. Read: You Can’t Take All That! — What Aircraft Weight and Balance Means to You

The March/April 2018 issue of FAA Safety Briefing focuses on Flying Companions. Building on our previous companion-based edition in 2014, this issue is specifically designed for the friends and loved ones who join us in the air or might have an interest in doing so. Feature articles help regular or prospective passengers gain a better understanding of the world of general aviation and offer the tips, techniques, and resources needed to take a more active role during flight.

Feature articles include:

·         Aviation 101 — Understanding the Flying Companion Role (p. 9)

·         Bring Your “A” Game — Fly the Airplane, First and Always (p. 10)

·         Flight of the Navigator — Improve Your Navigation Skills as a Flying Companion (p. 12)

·         In the Air and ON the Air — Decoding (and Parroting) Pilot Patter (p.16)

·         See Something? Say Something! — Flying Companions Guide to Help Manage Risk (p. 19)

·         Flying with Mates, Munchkins, and Mutts — Tips for Keeping Your Passengers Safe and Happy (p.20)

·         You Can’t Take All That! — What Aircraft Weight and Balance Means to You (p. 23)

·         How to Be a Weather Wingman — Pay It Forward with PIREPs (p. 24)

·         Roll of Honor — 2017’s Master Pilot and Master Mechanic Award Winners (p. 28)

In the Mar/Apr Jumpseat department (p. 1), Flight Standards Service Executive Director John Duncan provides a checklist of things a flying companion – regardless of pilot qualifications – can do to assist the pilot on a flight, while the Checklistdepartment (p. 18) provides a mini-weather Wiki for GA flying companions.

In Aeromedical Advisory (p. 5), Federal Air Surgeon Dr. Michael Berry discusses how a safety pilot can help facilitate better decision-making for the pilot, while Angle of Attack (p. 33), advises how to take your “plane-spotting” skills to the next level. This issue also debuts our new Condition Inspection department which takes a look at specific medical conditions. This issue’s topic: Hypertension.

Our companion-themed issue of FAA Safety Briefing wraps up with a profile of husband and wife FAA-ers Kieran O’Farrell and Fred Kaiser who cover tips and techniques for good CRM when flying with a pilot companion. 

The link to the online edition is:http://www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing