Girls in Aviation Day Continues to Expand Reaching 33,000 Participants

Oct. 23, 2024
Girls in Aviation Day is part of a multi-faceted international youth program designed by Women in Aviation International to inspire girls to pursue careers in aviation and aerospace.
The Mile High Chapter from Denver, Colorado, celebrated GIAD 2024
The Mile High Chapter from Denver, Colorado, celebrated GIAD 2024

Girls around the world participated in the 10th Annual Girls in Aviation Day (GIAD) organized by Women in Aviation International (WAI) on Sept. 21.

Through unique local events hosted by WAI chapters and corporate members, the number of GIAD participants grew to over 33,000 attendees this year with 194 events held across the globe. Of these events, 59 were in international locations representing 33 countries, and 135 were in the U.S. and U.S. Territories.

Girls in Aviation Day is part of a multi-faceted international youth program designed by Women in Aviation International to inspire girls to pursue careers in aviation and aerospace. GIAD events took place at airports, FBOs, museums, and hangars across the U.S., Canada, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Girls were introduced to the career and lifestyle possibilities in aviation and aerospace by meeting female role models, listening to career panels, and exploring airplanes and airports. In addition, girls participated in a wide array of hands-on, educational activities ranging from sectional chart treasure hunts, first flights on simulators, learning about aircraft engines, avionics, and exploring weather systems and space.

“Our Girls in Aviation Day events continue to have an incredible impact, igniting excitement and curiosity in each young participant as they explore the world of aviation,” says WAI CEO Lynda Coffman. “We are deeply grateful to our chapter members, volunteers, sponsors, and supporters whose dedication and generosity made this day possible. Together, we are not only sparking dreams but also building a stronger, more inclusive future for aviation.”

Since WAI’s first annual international Girls in Aviation Day in 2015, the annual WAI event has grown every year since its first gathering of 32 events and 3,200 participants. Last year’s GIAD reached more than 30,000 participants in 31 countries at 168 events presented worldwide