ASTM International

West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959


About ASTM International


100 Barr Harbor Dr
PO Box C700
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959
United States of America
877-909-2786 US & Canada

More Info on ASTM International

ASTM International offers global access to fully transparent standards development.

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Business & General Aviation

New ASTM International Specification Supports Ice Detection on Small Aircraft

May 10, 2018
The new specification was developed by ASTM International’s committee on general aviation aircraft.

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All content from ASTM International

Education & Training

ASTM International Extends Deadlines for Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence Proposals

Nov. 27, 2017
ASTM is extending deadlines by one week for letters-of-intent and full proposals for a new center of excellence in additive manufacturing; letter of intent due Dec. 4 by 12 p....
Trade Associations & Events

ASTM International Seeks Partners to Launch Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence

Nov. 14, 2017
The center will be supported with up to $250,000 annually for up to five years, provided from funds and in-kind contributions. In-kind support could increase the award amount ...
Aircraft Airframe & Accessories

ASTM International’s Committee on Additive Manufacturing Technologies Honors Shane Collins with Robert J. Painter Award

July 20, 2017
The committee recognized Collins for his exceptional service in advancing the cause of voluntary standardization for additive manufacturing technologies, and for leadership in...
Education & Training

ASTM International Upgrades Online Learning Management System

July 17, 2017
ASTM International debuted a new learning management system (LMS) designed to enhance user experience and functionality.
Education & Training

SpaceTEC Partners Inc. and ASTM International to Partner on Aviation Worker Certification

June 2, 2017
Moving forward, SpaceTEC Partners, Inc. will administer NCATT certification, and ASTM International members will develop related standards in the committee.
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Trade Associations & Events

First Standard from New Group Will Help Certify Aircraft Electronics Technicians

April 27, 2017
A new guide will help assess competencies of avionics professionals who work with airplane technologies and who want to gain certification as Aircraft Electronics Technicians ...
Education & Training

ASTM International Representatives to Speak at Major 3D Printing Conference

April 24, 2017
Representatives from ASTM International, a leader in creating standards in additive manufacturing, will speak at a major conference (known as RAPID+TCT) in Pittsburgh, Pa., May...
Trade Associations & Events

ASTM International Standards to Play Major Role in Certifying Small Planes in Europe

April 5, 2017
The new rules include performance-based requirements that rely on “acceptable means of compliance.” This includes standards from ASTM International’s committee on general aviation...
Aircraft Airframe & Accessories

15 Proposed Additive-Manufacturing Standards to Support Key Industry Accreditation

March 30, 2017
15 newly-proposed standards from ASTM International’s committee on additive manufacturing (F42) will help companies in that industry comply with a new checklist for accreditation...