Checkmate job costing software helps businesses align operations with their business goals in order to achieve better ROI (Return on Investment). Ideal for both job order costing in small, custom manufacturing companies, and process costing for large high output manufactures. Also successfully used in the construction industry, fabrication, and engineering for measuring cost against revenue earned.

Cost materials by job order or department

CheckMate job costing software allows users to track the amount of material used on a particular project or job measure costs incurred against the revenue produced by that job.

Keep accurate inventory

Back-flush unused material and consumables into inventory to keep accurate records of the scrap on hand and drive cost. Or, simply cost remaining scrap against the job for simpler accounting.

Track labor cost per job

Our employee time and attendance software allows managers to track labor costs against a specific job or project for more accurate operating costs. This results in more efficient use of resources and more accurate estimates. It also allows for the programmatic calculation of breaks, lunches, sick hours and vacation time.

Manufacturing job costing and order tracking

Track manufacturing order numbers currently in production by contributor, task, department, or workstation.