Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing

Kelowna, BC V1Y 0L1


About Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing


100-966 Crowley Ave.
Kelowna, BC V1Y 0L1
250 763 1088

More Info on Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing

Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM) is a leader in the design, development, and manufacture of aircraft communication and loudspeaker systems, mission radios, caution panels, and CVM airframe crack detection sensors. AEM offers repair and refurbishment services, and is a Transport Canada-approved manufacturer, holds EASA Part 145 Maintenance approval, and is ISO9001/AS9100D registered and certified under Canada's Controlled Goods Program. 

AEM is a wholly owned subsidiary of SMS Canada Corp, part of the Structural Monitoring Systems plc (ASX Code: SMN) companies ( 

Visit for warranty coverage. For technical support contact Tom Betzelt at (250) 763-1088 Ext. 326 or email [email protected]. Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. PST.

Products and Press Releases

Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp.
Testia Aem Cvm Loi Signing Ndt Forum 1 768x1024

AEM and TESTIA Pen CVM Sensor Installation Training Agreement

Sept. 26, 2023
Canadian avionics and sensor manufacturer, Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM), and global non-destructive testing consultants and service provider, TESTIA, have signed...
Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp.
A4 A Cvm Ndt Forum Innovation Award Web

CVM Approval Wins A4A/SAE Nondestructive Testing Innovation Award

Sept. 26, 2023
Comparative Vacuum Monitoring technology is recognized by Airlines for America (A4A) for being the first regulatory-approved application of structural health monitoring by the...

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