API Blended Winglets Certified for Falcon 50 Series
Seattle, USA. September 18, 2012 – Aviation Partners, Inc. (API) announced today that the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) granted Supplemental Type Certificate approval for its High Mach Blended Winglets on the Falcon 50 series aircraft. European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) approval is expected to follow shortly. Certification of the Winglets represents the culmination of an 18-month development program and exhaustive flight testing, and comes on the heels of similar certifications for the Falcon 2000 series in April 2009 and Falcon 900 series in September 2011.
“Issuance of this STC means our High Mach Blended Winglets are now available for all aircraft in the Falcon 50, 900 and 2000 families,” said Gary Dunn, API Vice President of Sales & Marketing, “The Winglet-equipped Falcon 50 displayed at EBACE in May, and used for certification flight tests, will return to service shortly; and the addition of Winglets to the first customer Falcon 50EX is already underway at one of our authorized installation facilities.”
API’s Winglets for the Falcon 50 Series are “High Mach” Blended Winglets – this revolutionary new design is optimized for cruise speeds of Mach .80 and higher. The Winglets provide a drag reduction, and corresponding range increase, of 5 percent at Mach .80 and more than 7 percent at Long Range Cruise (LRC). In addition, retrofit Winglets for the Falcon 50 series (the same API-designed Winglets as those installed by Dassault on the factory 900LX and 2000LX models) will reduce operating costs and carbon emissions, and provide a dramatic visual enhancement.
“Anytime you can improve the productivity and performance of an existing asset, while making it more eco-friendly, is a wise investment,” said Joe Clark, API founder and CEO, “We are doing our part in a changing world.”
Installation is available through API’s network of authorized installers in North America, Europe and Asia. API will be on-site at the NBAA Convention in Orlando (October 30th thru November 1st) to discuss the Falcon 50 series Winglets, as well as to showcase other current programs and exciting new technology Winglet designs for the future. For more information on current and future Winglet plans visit NBAA Booth 5035 or fly to www.aviationpartners.com.
Aviation Partners, Inc.
Seattle, Washington based Aviation Partners, Inc. (API) is the world leader in advanced Winglet technology. API’s patented Performance Enhancing Blended Winglets™ have been designed and certified for a number of commercial and business aircraft; applications include Boeing, Falcon, Hawker and Gulfstream airframes. Over 5,000 in-service aircraft have saved an estimated 3.3 billion gallons of fuel. In addition to the 5-7% improvement in fuel burn, Blended Winglets have reduced global CO2 emissions by over 35 million tons. Additional airframe programs are in-development for existing Blended Winglet technology, and future Winglet designs will lead to greater incremental improvements in performance, fuel savings and emissions reduction. (* patent #5348253)