FAA STC for the MTV-12 3-Blade Propeller on the Piper PA-30, PA-39 Twin Comanche

Oct. 7, 2015

October 2015

MT-Propeller Entwicklung GmbH has received the the FAA STC SA03563NY for the next generation 3-blade scimitar composite propeller MTV-12-C-C-F/CF(L)180-57 on the Piper PA-30, PA-39 Twin Comanche. This installation is already supplemental type certified by EASA STC 10047589 and TCCA Canada SA13-34 (by Eagle Aircraft Inc.).

MT-Propeller President Gerd Muehlbauer says, that the installation feature the following advantages:

- Enhanced take-off distance by approx. 15 % (MTOW, SL, ISA conditions)

- Enhanced single engine climb performance by approx. 10 % (MTOW, SL, ISA conditions)

- Enhanced cruise performance by 2 to 3 kts (MTOW, ISA)

- Reduced noise and cabin vibration due to the 3 blades made out of composite.

Due to the smaller diameter the MT-Propeller for the Piper PA-30/39 has more ground clearance for less blade tip erosion. The MT-Propeller natural composite blades provide significant inside and outside noise reduction.  They have no life limitation,and are repairable in case of an FOD. They also provide best vibration damping characteristics for almost vibration free propeller operation and have bonded on nickel alloy leading edges for superior erosion protection of the blades.

MT-Propeller is the world leading natural composite propeller manufacturer with 30 propeller models from 2-blade to 6-blade hydraulically controlled variable pitch propeller, for engines producing up to 5000hp, and 2-blade to 4-blade electrically controlled variable pitch propeller, for engines producing up to 350hp as well as two blade fixed pitch propellers.

Over 30 years ago, the first MT-Propeller was shipped.

The high performance, light weight and durable MT-Propellers can be used on aircraft with piston engines and propeller turbines, as well as on airships, wind tunnels or hovercraft. Fulfilling the highest certifications requirements they are also supplemental type certified on Part 25 aircraft. There is no current Airworthiness Directives (AD).MT-Propeller is holder of over 200 STCs worldwide and OEM supplier for more than 90% of the European Aircraft Industry as well as 30% of the US Aircraft Industry with more than 16.000 propeller systems flying. In July 2013, the 50000th blade was shipped. 110 Million fleet hours where already performed on MT-Propellers. A factory certified network of 60 service centers, provides best service and maintenance all over the world.