30 Years of AMT

March 15, 2019
And reflections of my 10 years with AMT

This year we celebrate the 30th year of Aircraft Maintenance Technology, or what’s more commonly referred to as AMT Magazine. For me, this year also begins my 10th year with AMT. 10 years may be a nice milestone but nothing compared to Barb Zuehlke, senior editor of AMT and the best co-editor I could ask for. Barb was assigned as proofreader when AMT began and who this year celebrates her 40th year with this company. Editorial longevity – you bet!

All of this gives cause for some reflection. Prior to my time with AMT I worked in the aviation industry, primarily aircraft maintenance, so yes this role was a bit of a transition for me. Some of my former work colleagues would make comments like, “You are going to do what now?” Or, “What do you know about writing and editing?” Or my favorite, “I heard you left the aviation industry?”

That last comment about leaving the industry proved to be the furthest from the truth. Granted I was no longer working directly in the industry or responsible for maintaining aircraft, except for my old Luscombe and a few other vintage airplanes, but I rapidly realized that I had become fully immersed in all segments of aviation and aircraft maintenance. I was able to draw on the decades I spent in the industry during interviews, writing articles, speaking to industry experts at tradeshows, and assisting my new work colleagues to better understand aviation and aircraft maintenance. Being a life-long aviator who still to this day is passionate about airplanes, well … it turned out to be pretty cool.   

With the rapid advancements made in technology, electronic and propulsion systems, and structural materials, what will aviation in the next 10 to 30 years be like?

How will we report the news, author and send articles in the future? In my 10 years our company has excelled in its digital offerings with our robust website www.AviationPros.com and daily newsletter. How will you our readers consume this content in the future?  

Hang on! The next 10 years should be a blast!
