Hartzell Engine Tech’s PowerUP Magnetos Receive PMA for Bendix S-20 / S-200 Series
Hartzell Engine Tech has received FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) for its PowerUP brand Bendix S-20 and S-200 direct replacement 4- and 6-cylinder magnetos.
These PowerUP magnetos are FAA approved for use on Lycoming and Continental brand engines, including applications for Robinson R22 and R44 helicopters, as well as Cirrus SR22 and SR22T fixed-wing aircraft.
"With a legacy of manufacturing FAA/PMA parts to support the industry, Hartzell Engine Tech is offering PowerUP brand all-new direct magneto replacements for Bendix S-20 and S-200 series,” said Hartzell Engine Tech Vice President of Engineering Rick Quave, “Designed with performance improvements in key components like the coil, capacitor, breaker points, and impulse coupling, the PowerUP magneto delivers superior quality and reliability for aircraft owners."
These magnetos incorporate performance improvements like:
- Contact assemblies featuring a stainless-steel mainspring with precision-aligned contacts.
- Torx drive screws in key locations, including ship-loose harness attaching screws.
- Hex-and-slot timing and vent plugs.
- Durable billet breaker covers.
Aviation professionals seeking an alternative to existing magnetos can now use PowerUP’s latest FAA/PMA-approved solutions, including a complete line of replacement parts, overhaul services, and 500-hour inspection capabilities.