PT. AFM Aviasi Indonesia (AFM)

Jakarta Pusat 10220


About PT. AFM Aviasi Indonesia (AFM)


Citylofts Sudirman Building, Suite 1012
Jln. K.H. Mas Mansyur no. 121
Jakarta Pusat 10220
+62 21 2555 8478

More Info on PT. AFM Aviasi Indonesia (AFM)

PT. AFM Aviasi Indonesia (AFM) is a ground handling company that is fully certified by Indonesian Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to operate in any airport across Indonesia archipelago. AFM focuses on handling private aircrafts. AFM is also a registered flight permit agent.

Products and Press Releases

AFM Aviasi Indonesia
Afm Isbah
FBOs & Tenants

AFM is IS-BAH Accredited

Feb. 12, 2020
AFM Aviasi Indonesia (AFM) is now an IS-BAH accredited ground handler.Having an IS-BAH certificate on the wall puts AFM as the first independent IS-BAH accredited ground handling...

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