Envoy Air to Take Off With ARCOS RosterApps Airline Scheduling

June 28, 2019
ARCOS RosterApps will give Envoy managers a centralized, automated way to track overtime and schedules, update policies and ensure compliance with changing regulations.

COLUMBUS, Ohio – June 28, 2019 – ARCOS LLC has been selected to implement its ARCOS RosterApps workforce management solution at Envoy Air Inc., replacing and automating the air carrier’s multiple computer and paper systems that schedule and track time and attendance for 13,000 ground employees. Envoy currently relies on a custom-built automated time and attendance system and manual processes requiring several thousand hours per year in staff time to maintain.

ARCOS RosterApps will give Envoy managers a centralized, automated way to track overtime and schedules, update policies and ensure compliance with changing regulations. Managers will see overtime requests in real-time, so they can compare requests against available budgets. Currently, managers receive overtime calculations one week after each pay period ends, making it cumbersome to manage potential cost overruns.

“We’re rolling out the system in four phases for our agents, fleet service clerks, aircraft mechanics and managers,” said Stephen Collins, manager for attendance and central administration at Envoy. “RosterApps will make our scheduling process transparent, which means each step of the scheduling process will be visible, in real-time, for employees and managers. It’s incredibly easy to use, too.”

According to Collins, the product was intuitive enough that Collins, his coworkers and a test group needed no training. In contrast, says Collins, the current scheduling system, comprised of manual and computerized steps, requires new employees to take hours of training to learn the scheduling and bidding process.

With the mobile component of ARCOS RosterApps, ground staff will be able to manage schedules, shift requests and bids from computers or their smartphones, at work or home. Notifications will come via email and text, and supervisors can approve and deny requests, assign overtime and see a complete shift history for reporting and analysis.

“It gives us consistency across approximately 150 locations, which is difficult to achieve now,” added Collins. “All of our shift bidding is now done on paper, which means each quarter up to 4,000 employees have to go to a hub administration office, select a shift they want to work and check back on approvals. With RosterApps, all that will happen automatically; the system will assign employees a time to log in, and they’ll bid on schedules from a mobile device.”

ARCOS RosterApps will integrate with existing systems to ensure Envoy continues to strictly adhere to the requirements of its work agreements with labor unions. “We believe RosterApps will make it much simpler and faster to ensure an equitable scheduling process for ground staff,” said Collins.

“To efficiently manage exceptions, you need a consistent view of everyone’s schedules,” adds John Brant, managing director of RosterApps Projects for ARCOS. “With RosterApps, Envoy will have scheduling flexibility, control and dynamic updates; it’s self-service, yet mirrors union and company policies.”