KAMAG Transporttechnik offers the TurboTiger air starter: '#8729; Modular basic design allows the TurboTiger to be used as a self-propelled unit as well as a trailer unit '#8729; A standard Mercedes Benz diesel engine generates the required energy to produce compressed air '#8729; A gearbox, flange mounted to the diesel engine generates high revolutions at its output shaft '#8729; A maintenance-free, standard Turbo charger (cold side) of a large ship diesel engine is flange mounted to the gearbox and produces the compressed air '#8729; Up to three hoses trasmit the generated airflow to the aircraft '#8729; Superfluous air is mixed with the diesel engine exhaust and is released to the atmosphere on top of the TurboTiger '#8729; A specially developed noise damping canopy lowers the noise of the Turbo Tiger which can be lifted hydraulically to access to the components inside