Remembering Bob Wright

July 8, 2024
Bob worked in the ground support equipment (GSE) maintenance field for more than 30 years. He was a founding member at Alliance Ground International (AGI), where he served as director of maintenance and vice president of maintenance. 

The staff at Ground Support Worldwide is saddened to learn of Bob Wright’s passing.

Bob worked in the ground support equipment (GSE) maintenance field for more than 30 years. He was a founding member at Alliance Ground International (AGI), where he served as director of maintenance and vice president of maintenance. 

Bob was recognized as Ground Support Worldwide’s Team Leader of the Year in 2017. In that profile, he received well deserved praise from his colleagues.

“Normally, we face imposing leaders and natural leaders. I think Bob is a natural leader,” said Elias Hane, account manager at Cargo Force. “You don’t need to know he’s the director of maintenance or the one managing the situation. He leads, and people follow him and get involved with him.”

Everyone at Ground Support Worldwide would like to express their condolences to Bob’s family and friends. In memory of Bob, we would like to share an excerpt of his profile, which originally ran in the May 2017 issue of Ground Support Worldwide.


When Bob Wright entered the workforce, the aviation industry wasn’t exactly in his mind as his ideal career.

But, deep down, it was probably in his heart. After all, Wright came from an aviation family; his father retired from the FAA and his grandfather operated flight schools after his time in the Air Force.

While his own foray into aviation was more happenstance, Wright has developed a passion for his vocation while learning the ins and outs of all things ground support.

Today, with three decades of experience and industry knowledge, he is director of maintenance for Alliance Ground International (AGI) and Cargo Force, where he manages overall maintenance operations for both companies.

He oversees 100 mechanics across 20 locations throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, and his unique blend of mechanical and managerial skills sets him apart as the Ground Support Worldwide 2017 Team Leader of the Year.

“He understands how people operate equipment, how they abuse equipment and how to repair the equipment,” says Tony Romeo, who is chairman and CEO at AGI and Cargo Force and also owns Charter America, a GSE leasing company that offers a full line of all types of GSE. “You don’t find that too many times. You either find a mechanic, or you find a manager.

“Bob has all those talents,” he adds. “He’s a valued asset to the company and he’s very loyal.”


Read the entire 2017 Team Leader of the Year article here.

About the Author

Josh Smith | Editor