Accessair Systems Inc.

Sainte-Catherine, Quebec J5C 1B7


About Accessair Systems Inc.


1905 Rue Pasteur
Sainte-Catherine, Quebec J5C 1B7

More Info on Accessair Systems Inc.

Accessairsystemsinc 10016894

The large in-house engineering staff at Accessair keeps it in the forefront of new technology. Products include: truck-mounted and towable airstairs; rapid response emergency vehicles; truck or skid-mounted vacuum lavatory service units, potable water trucks, ground-level boarding bridges and passageways, disabled passenger lifts, Plane-Mate passenger transfer vehicles and customized equipment.

Products and Press Releases

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Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways

APS 60 Series Truck-Mounted Air Stairs

Jan. 28, 2019
The APS 60 Series Truck-Mounted Air Stairs are available with a wide range of options including an overhead canopy along with two air-driven canopies located at both the top and...
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Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways

Accessair Broadens its Line of Air Stairs Models for 2019

Jan. 28, 2019
The APS 60 truck-mounted series of air stairs is available with a wide range of options, including an overhead canopy along with two air-driven canopies located at both the top...
Newpictur 10181352
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Vacuum Lavatory Systems

Sept. 17, 2013
Accessair offers an automated control system based on preset quantities that allows the operator to simply select the aircraft type to be serviced and allow the unit to service...
Ttasautomaticstopturntablecontainertrailer 10026205
Ball Decks & Roller Decks

Container Trailer

Aug. 20, 2013
Accessair's TTAS Automatic-Stop Turntable Container Trailer with its proven 360-degree rotating turntable has proven to be the most in-demand model produced by its MOODY Products...
Wheelchair Lift 1 10830110
Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways

Accessibility Airstairs

Nov. 15, 2012
Accessair's equivalent-accessibilty airstairs with integrated wheelchair platforms facilitate the dignified boarding and disembarking of travelers with reduced mobility. Remote...
Airstaironisuzu 1307969467
Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways

Truck-Mounted Airstairs

Jan. 30, 2012
Because of its strong engineering background, ACCESSAIR Systems' offers one of the most innovative self-propelled passenger airstairs and one of the most extensive options list...
Vacuumlavatoryservicetruck 10027589
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Vacuum Lavatory Service Truck

Nov. 5, 2009
This vehicle features an automated control system, based on preset quantities, whereby the selection of the aircraft type by the operator allows the aircraft to be serviced automaticall...
Dualcanopyairstairs 10027591
Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways

Dual-canopy Airstairs

Nov. 5, 2009
ACCESSAIR's popular dual-canopy airstairs are unique in that they feature canopies over the doors of both the aircraft and an airport bus. Clear polycarbonate covers over the ...
Cargobaggagetrailerscarts 10026970
Baggage & Cargo

Cargo/Baggage Trailers ' Carts

Oct. 17, 2008
Accessair's Moody Products Division produces container trailers, pallet dollies, racks, slave pallets and baggage and cargo carts. Products range from an Automatic-Stop Turntable...
Rapidresponseemergencyairstair 10132954

Rapid Response Emergency Airstair

Sept. 15, 2008
The Rapid Response Emergency Airstair is available from ACCESSAIR. Available with a range of fire fighting options. Designed to provide firefighters and rescue personnel with ...


Shirley Seller

Sales & Marketing Co-ordinator

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All content from Accessair Systems Inc.

Skyawlkerboardingbridge 10132952

Skywalker boarding bridge

Sept. 15, 2008
The Skywalker Boarding Bridge is available from ACCESSAIR. The telescopic, ground level boarding bridge can be combined with a series of fixed bridges or ACCESSAIR's modular walkways...

APS model passenger airstair

Sept. 15, 2008
The APS model passenger airstair, specifically designed to service aicraft door sills between 93 and 168 inches, is available from ACCESSAIR Systems Inc. The new towable passenger...
Apsairstairs 10026351
Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways

APS airstairs

Oct. 16, 2007
In line with its philosophy of "one-stop shopping", Accessair has broadened its range of passenger handling equipment by adding non-motorized stairs to its popular line of truck...
Vacuumlavatoryserviceunit 10026349

Vacuum Lavatory Service Unit

Oct. 16, 2007
Accessair's economical vacuum lavatory service unit uses water passing through an eductor system to create a vacuum which virtually eliminates time-consuming aircraft lavatory...
Lavatoryserviceunits 10025135
Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways

Lavatory Service Units

June 22, 2007
Accessair Lavatory Service Units:Widest range of problem solving lavatory units on the market (standard and custom).Highly-efficient vacuum units designed using the low maintenance...
Skidmountedlavatoryserviceunit 10025720
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Skid-Mounted Lavatory Service Unit

June 22, 2007
ACCESSAIR's SKID-MOUNTED VACUUM LAVATORY SERVICE UNIT uses water passing through an eductor system to create a vacuum which virtually eliminates time-consuming aircraft lavatory...
Ttascargotrailer 10025722
Cargo Handling Equipment & Accessories

TTAS Cargo Trailer

June 22, 2007
Designed to carry an LD-2 or LD-3 container, the TTAS features a 360 degree rotating turntable with an innovative stop mechanism which engages automatically as the container slides...
Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways

GSE Equipment

June 22, 2007
ACCESSAIR Systems Inc. adds new equipment to its line of ground support equipment. New products include an APS model passenger airstair specifically designed to service aircraft...
Nonmotorizedpassengerairstairs 10025724
Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways


June 22, 2007
ACCESSAIR has broadened its range of passenger handling equipment by adding non-motorized stairs to its popular line of truck-mounted APS airstairs. New models include fixed or...