NORD’s IE5+ synchronous motors paired with NORDAC ON VFDs create a highly efficient drive solution for baggage handling systems.
NORD’s new IE5+ synchronous motors paired with NORDAC ON VFDs create a highly efficient drive solution for baggage handling systems.
NORD’s IE5+ synchronous motors offer some of the highest gear efficiencies available today. They deliver 0.5 – 5 HP and feature a compact, ventilated design for temperature control and a high overload capacity to meet the demanding needs of baggage handling systems. A motor-integrated encoder comes standard and optional integrated mechanical brakes provide further control of more demanding applications such as inclined conveyors. These motors also feature a quiet, fan-less design, making them suitable to acoustically sensitive areas such as check-in or baggage reclaim. Advantages include flexible motor mounting: direct mounting, NEMA, IEC; constant high efficiency even at low speeds and partial loads; and reduction of variants through constant torque over a wide speed range.
NORDAC ON variable frequency drives (VFDs) were developed to meet the special requirements of conveyor technology and for interaction with the new IE5+ synchronous motors (NORDAC ON+). These compact, decentralized VFDs can be wall or motor mounted and can operate both asynchronous and synchronous motors. Simple parameterization tools allow the VFD to intelligently control speeds, ensure exact positioning with high dynamics, and control conveyor systems section by section, resulting in smooth operation with fewer backups. An integrated Ethernet interface, full Plug-&-Play capabilities, and integrated PLC functionality work to reduce variants in a system and provide an economic solution for IloT environments