ABC Industries Inc.

Winona Lake, IN 46581-0077


About ABC Industries Inc.


301 Kings Highway
Winona Lake, IN 46581-0077
United States of America

More Info on ABC Industries Inc.

Abc Industries 11565314

Founded in 1926 and headquartered in Winona Lake, Indiana, ABC Industries, Inc. manufactures PCA ventilation products and lavatory waste hose for North American and international markets.

Products and Press Releases

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Oct. 30, 2014
UltraLyte's® innovative triple-layer construction provides a heavy-duty durability that is uniquely lightweight. Features include lock-stitched reinforced seams, wick-resistant...
Bellycool Clipped 11654223
GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories

Bellycool PCA Adapter

Aug. 20, 2014
Cool ramp workers in a plane's belly by diverting air from the gate's existing PCA ducting with the Bellycool adapter. Available in 14-inch and 12-inch to 8-inch reducers...
Ed Olive Drab 11321828
GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories

Military Spec Ducting

March 3, 2014
ABC Industries manufactures a complete line of military specification SAE38386 low and high pressure construction ducting and military performance specification ducting for ground...
Paul Nutter 10933057
GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories

ABC Industries, Inc. Appoints Paul Nutter Product Manager

May 2, 2013
Nutter will be responsible for building and managing customer accounts and new product development.
Edolivedrabclipped 10632034

SAE38386 Ducting

Feb. 21, 2012
Ventilate your aircraft and helicopter fleets with military specification SAE38386 ducting from ABC Industries, Inc. The military specification ducting is UV-stabilized for outdoor...
Ultalytepcaducting 10440963
GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories

UltraLyte Ducting

Oct. 21, 2011
ABC Industries, Inc.'s complete line of premium PCA ducting products offers superior performance and construction to the airline industry. UltraLyte ducting is the most abrasion...
Floflexinsulsand 10026606
GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories

FloFlex Insulsand

Oct. 16, 2007
FloFlex™ is a molecularly bonded, heat sealed collapsible blower tubing with heavy-duty abrasion resistant wearstrip designed for demanding positive-pressure applications. The...
Flovent 10026608
GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories


Oct. 16, 2007
ABC Industries offers the FloVent, a molecularly bonded, heat sealed collapsible blower tubing designed for demanding positive-pressure applications. The tubing is collapsible...
Thusdlavatoryhose 10025447
GSE Parts & Components

THU-SD Lavatory Hose

June 22, 2007
ABC Industries offers the THU-SD, a molecularly bonded, heat sealed hose with nylon rod reinforcement used in both positive and negative pressure applications. This product is...
Floflexinsulsandlayflattubing 10025488
GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories

FloFlex InsulSand Layflat Tubing

June 22, 2007
FloFlex from ABC Industries is a molecularly bonded, heat-sealed collapsible blower tubing with heavy-duty abrasion resistant wearstrip designed for demanding positive-pressure...

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All content from ABC Industries Inc.

Antistaticflexibleducting 10024500
GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories

Anti-Static Flexible Ducting

June 22, 2007
ABC Industries manufactures an Anti-Static (surface resistivity less than 300 megohms) flexible ducting, which is available in several end finishes, and will work with any air...
Floventtubing 10025486
GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories

FloVent Tubing

June 22, 2007
FloVent™ is a molecularly bonded; heat-sealed collapsible blower tubing designed for demanding positive-pressure applications. The tubing is collapsible, flexible and extremely...