Lufthansa LEOS services, maintains, repairs, and overhauls anything, including pushback and towing tractors, de-icers, platforms, lifters, busses, trucks, cars, electrocars, and all other ground support equipment.
The two battery-electric vehicles are in operation at Frankfurt Airport and can move aircraft with a take-off weight of up to 350 tons over short and long distances between parking...
Lufthansa LEOS, the ground handling specialist of the Lufthansa Group, is the launch customer of the all-electric towbarless aircraft tractor Phoenix E from German manufacturer...
The electrically powered tug, or eSchlepper, is the only product of its kind worldwide in this power class, capable of moving aircraft with a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of...
A different type of towbarless tractor promises to reduce fuel consumption, cut carbon emissions and protect aircraft from FOD damage while taxiing planes all the way to the runway...
We got a first-hand look at the Taxibot towing system during a special demonstration put on for the media on the Monday before Thanksgiving at Chateauroux Airport.“Someday you...
We’re wrapping up the quickest European trip we’ve ever made. Two days of travel for two days of business that still packed in plenty of activities.Arrived at Charles DeGaulle...