Lufthansa LEOS

Frankfurt/Main 60546


About Lufthansa LEOS


Lufthansa Basis
Frankfurt/Main 60546

More Info on Lufthansa LEOS

Lufthansa LEOS services, maintains, repairs, and overhauls anything, including pushback and towing tractors, de-icers, platforms, lifters, busses, trucks, cars, electrocars, and all other ground support equipment.

Products and Press Releases

Lufthansa Group
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Green / Alternative Energy GSE

Lufthansa LEOS Takes Delivery of Second All-Electric Aircraft Tractor

April 10, 2023
The two battery-electric vehicles are in operation at Frankfurt Airport and can move aircraft with a take-off weight of up to 350 tons over short and long distances between parking...
TaxiBot - a new aircraft tractor controlled by the pilot from the cockpit that pulls aircraft from the gate to the runway without using engine power.
Airports & Municipalities

TaxiBot Prepares For Test With Lufthansa

July 10, 2012
Three tow tractors will undergo six-month test from push back to take off at Frankfurt Airport

Articles & News

Two major components of the Taxibot make it different from other towbarless tractors: An interface mechanism clamps on the nose landing gear, which is in turn mounted on a “rotating turret.'
Green / Alternative Energy GSE

TLD Demos The Taxibot

Dec. 25, 2012
A different type of towbarless tractor promises to reduce fuel consumption, cut carbon emissions and protect aircraft from FOD damage while taxiing planes all the way to the runway...

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All content from Lufthansa LEOS

Memebers of the media had the chance to be a part of a recent demonstration in France of the Taxibot towing system.

Taxibot Demo Day

Dec. 4, 2012
We got a first-hand look at the Taxibot towing system during a special demonstration put on for the media on the Monday before Thanksgiving at Chateauroux Airport.“Someday you...
I’ll have more on the demo, including more pictures, in next week’s blog. In the meantime, remember that “international” is out and “multidomestic” is in.

Taxibot Demo Day

Nov. 20, 2012
We’re wrapping up the quickest European trip we’ve ever made. Two days of travel for two days of business that still packed in plenty of activities.Arrived at Charles DeGaulle...