As far as I see it we can squarely put the blame on Canada for three items that have lately been in the news too much:
- Justin Bieber.
- Mayor Rob Ford.
- The Polar Vortex.
Just two days ago, I woke up on Sunday to one of those picturesque snowfalls where the sun glints off the ice crystals and the perfect amount of white clings to every branch of every tree. I actually had my first happy thoughts regarding this Midwestern winter. A quarter of the way through this month's 28 days, and I had to figure the single-digital temperatures and North Pole wind chills were about done.
And then I came home last night to another cold winter night and right now the temperature is minus 8 degrees. Even Hotlanta is battening down the hatches for an ice storm.
Still, that's not as bad as other spots in the country like the Twin Cities where earlier this winter the surface of Mars was actually a couple of degrees warmer than it was in Minneapolis-St. Paul. With that in mind, take a look at this excellent video report from KARE TV that reporter Dana Thiede broadcast after spending the days with a deicing crew from Delta Air Lines on the job one day at MSP.