Cryotech Deicing Technology

Fort Madison, IA 52627


About Cryotech Deicing Technology


6103 Orthoway
Fort Madison, IA 52627
United States of America

More Info on Cryotech Deicing Technology

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Cryotech Deicing Technology, an ISO 9001 & 14001 certified company, is the industry leader in acetate-based deicers including E36® liquid runway deicer (potassium acetate) and NAAC® solid runway deicer (sodium acetate). Cryotech now offers a bio-based alternative, BX36® liquid runway deicer, as a more sustainable and green alternative. All of the products meet current FAA specifications for airside use. 

For over 10 years, Cryotech has manufactured Type I and Type IV propylene glycol based aircraft deicers/anti-icers with industry-leading performance and internationally recognized product quality.

For more information, visit our website at

Products and Press Releases

Cryotech Deicing Technology
Cryotech E36 liquid runway deicer
Deicing / Anti-icing Equipment & Services

Cryotech E36 Liquid Runway Deicer

May 17, 2022
Cryotech E36 liquid runway deicer is a high-performing 50% aqueous potassium acetate solution by weight. It contains no urea or glycol and is stable in storage with no agitation...
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Deicing & Anti-icing Fluids

Introducing Cryotech Polar Guard Xtend - Extended Holdover Time Type IV

June 3, 2019
Polar Guard Xtend offers extended holdover times, excellent wetting and low foaming properties, and low aquatic toxicity.
Cryotech’s development of Polar Plus LT was driven by customer demand. Changing environmental requirements created the need for an aircraft deicing fluid to help airports and airlines adhere to stringent NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permits, without sacrificing fluid performance.
Deicing & Anti-icing Fluids

Cryotech Adds New Deicing Product

July 1, 2014
Polar Plus LT combines extremely low aquatic toxicity and LOUT with excellent wetting and low foaming properties.
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Polar Guard Advance

March 5, 2014
Cryotech Polar Guard Advance is an AMS 1428 certified, military approved, propylene glycol based Type IV aircraft deicing/anti-icing fluid. Manufactured in the United States, ...
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Deicing & Anti-icing Fluids

Cryotech Partners With Proviron To Introduce Its Deicing Fluid To Europe

May 28, 2013
Polar Guard® II combines low viscosity and superior sprayability with good dry out properties and low environmental impact.
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Green / Alternative Energy GSE

Cryotech BX36 Bio-Based Liquid Runway Deicer

Oct. 26, 2009
BX36 Bio-Based Liquid Runway Deicer is an environmentally preferred next generation deicer. BX36 meets FAA-approved specifications for airside use and has excellent anti-icing...

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All content from Cryotech Deicing Technology

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Fueling Equipment & Accessories

Cryotech NAAC

June 22, 2007
Cryotech NAAC® (97 percent anhydrous sodium acetate) solid runway deicer has a low corrosion rate, is readily biodegradable, and works to low temperatures — down to 0°F (-18°F...