D.W. Davies & Co. Inc.

Racine, WI 53403


About D.W. Davies & Co. Inc.

D.W. Davies offers aviation cleaners, TKS fluid, ADF Type 1 and 4 aircraft products. For technical assistance contact Tim Zuck at (800) 888-6133 or [email protected]. Hours: 0800 to 1700. CST.


3200 Phillips Ave
Racine, WI 53403
United States of America

More Info on D.W. Davies & Co. Inc.

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D.W. Davies offers aviation cleaners, TKS fluid, ADF Type 1 and 4 Klear to Land windscreen cleaner, and Electro-Kleen parts cleaner. Product warranties vary depending on product. For technical assistance contact Tim Zuck at (800) 888-6133 or [email protected]. Hours: 0800 to 1700. CST.

Products and Press Releases

023 10817866
Deicing & Anti-icing Fluids

TKS Fluid EZ-Filler

Oct. 21, 2011
Two new EZ-Filler products: One fits a gallon bottle. Another fits a 2-1/2-gallon bottle. TKS Fluid, ADF Type 1 and Type 4, Aircraft Wash and Wax, Safe-Melt Airport De-Icer. FAA...


Tim Zuck

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