Fortbrand Services

Plainview, NY 11803


About Fortbrand Services


50 Fairchild Ct
Plainview, NY 11803
United States of America

More Info on Fortbrand Services

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Fortbrand Services has been in the business of leasing, financing, renting, maintaining and dealing in aircraft ground support and refueling equipment for more than 35 years. The company utilizes its experience and expertise to provide tailor made programs to meet the specific requirements of its customers. Fortbrand Services also engages in related activities, including equipment appraisals and consulting, as well as acting as a distributor for the sale and lease of unique airfield maintenance equipment. For more information contact [email protected].

Products and Press Releases

Fortbrand Services
Vammas B750
Snow, Ice, & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Removal

Vammas B750

May 16, 2022
The Vammas B750 is the largest capacity snow blower and the flagship of the Vammas snow blower product line. At 7,500 tons per hour capacity, the advanced design of the Vammas...
Fortbrand Logo With Tagline
Equipment Financing, Leasing & Management

GSE Services

Aug. 19, 2021
Fortbrand Services is a complete source for ground support equipment. Since 1983, Fortbrand Services has been providing rentals, leases and sales of new and used ground support...
Fortbrand Logo
GSE Distributors, Suppliers & Manufacturers

The Firmament Group Invests in Fortbrand Services

May 16, 2019
As a provider of bespoke capital solutions, Firmament provided debt and equity capital as part of a recapitalization of the company led by management and Wincove Private Holdings...
Fortbrand Logo
GSE Distributors, Suppliers & Manufacturers

Fortbrand Services LLC and Wille North America Team Up in Strategic Partnership

April 30, 2019
Wille multifunction articulating machines were introduced in the 1970’s as an evolution to manufacturing of loader frames and attachments going back to the 1950’s.
St Sb Pic
Snow, Ice, & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Removal

Vammas ST/SB 5500

March 20, 2019
The Vammas ST (Snow Tractor) / SB (Sweeper Blower) 5500 features superior ergonomics with 360-degree visibility and a single joy stick operation. The 30-foot plow with self-adjusting...
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GSE Parts & Components

Fortbrand Chooses Volvo Penta to Power Airport Snow Removal Machines

March 2, 2017
Fortbrand is installing Volvo Penta TAD1373VE engines in its Vammas PSB5500 series plow-sweeper-blower machines. This model uses one drive engine to propel the machine while a...
Leasingandfinancingservices 10026644
Ground Handlers & Service Providers

Leasing And Financing Services

Oct. 30, 2014
Fortbrand Services has been in the business of leasing, financing, renting, maintaining and dealing in aircraft ground support and refueling equipment for more than two decades...
JFK's second Hagie GST 20 unit is equipped with a Vammas PS4200 Edge Light Plow and Tiger 24-foot flail mower.
Snow, Ice, & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Removal

Fortbrand, Hagie Deliver Hagie GST 20 To JFK

Aug. 9, 2012
Multi-function, multi-seasonal vehicle was developed for airport use in cooperation with MSP

Articles & News

Willie 865 MTE Fortbrand
Snow, Ice, & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Removal

Small Airports See Big Gains from Multitasking Equipment

April 18, 2023
Hazleton Regional Airport improves its winter weather operations by purchasing multitasking equipment geared towards smaller airports.
Fortbrand Services LLC
Vammas B750 Airport Snow Blower
Runway Management

Vammas B750 Airport Snow Blower Designed for Simplicity

Oct. 29, 2021
Fortbrand Services LLC offers a solution for airports looking for a Class VI Snow Blower that meets Buy American provisions. The Vammas B750 Airport Snow Blower is a high-speed...
Aebi Schmidt
The MB4 high speed runway snowblower functions at a high capacity with the ability to move 7,500 tons of snow per hour.

A New Generation in Airfield Equipment

Oct. 7, 2021
Airfield equipment manufacturers gear their latest innovations towards today's challenges and tomorrow's needs.
Tampa International Airport
Taking multiple training trips for movement area operating training allows staff to learn different techniques and skills.

Ready and Able

April 23, 2020
At more than 5,600 acres, keeping operations safe in the airfield operations area at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) is far from a small task. There are 16,000 people...
Ben Weaver

September 2012 New In Brief

Sept. 25, 2012
Calendar of Events:Sept. 20-21Root Cause AnalysisMemphis, TNhttp://www.hightechnologyseminars.comSept. 28-29Southeast Aviation ExpoGreenville, SC
Vammas Fixed 10727833
Airports & Municipalities

A Multifunctional Approach

June 28, 2012
A look at multi-purpose airfield equipment and solutions that allow airports to do more with less

Videos & Resources

GSE Technology

Fortbrand Talks GSE Electrification, Automation at the 2023 International GSE Expo

Sept. 27, 2023
Joe Petrie, Endeavor Business Media Aviation Group editorial director, speaks with Dean Schwabish, director – rental fleet & marketing; Michael Trochalakis, senior vice president...

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All content from Fortbrand Services



Aug. 9, 2012
Primarily designed for runway rubber removal, Beam Airport Service Vehicles are capable of performing glycol recovery, apron sweeping and scrubbing, runway sweeping, street sweeping...
Deicerrentals 10133660

Deicer Rentals

April 14, 2010
Fortbrand Services provides seasonal and long-term rentals of aircraft deicers.
Gpuairconditionerrentals 10133658

GPU & Air Conditioner Rentals

April 14, 2010
Fortbrand Services provides short-term rentals and long
Fortbrand Logo With Tagline

Leasing and Financing Services

April 14, 2010
Fortbrand Services has been in the business of leasing, financing, renting, maintaining and dealing in aircraft ground support equipment for more than three decades. The company...
Airportsnowremovalequipment 10133654

Airport Snow Removal Equipment

April 14, 2010
Fortbrand Services is the exclusive North American distributor for a wide range of unique
Leasingfinancingrentalsmaintenance 10133652

Leasing, Financing, Rentals, Maintenance

April 14, 2010
Fortbrand Services provides leasing, financing, rentals and maintenance of aircraft ground support equipment, including an inventory of Jet-A, Av-gas and GSE refuelers of various...
Groundpowerunitsrenamed96 10027216
GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories

Ground Power Units

May 14, 2009
Fortbrand Services has a large inventory of 28.5 V and 400 Hz ground power units available for sale, short-term rent and long-term lease. Models include Hobart, Davco, TLD and...
Gpuairconditionerrentals 10026907
GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories

GPU & Air Conditioner Rentals

Sept. 26, 2008
Fortbrand Services provides short-term rentals and long-term leases of GPUs and air conditioners.