In February TLD is launching its new cargo tractor, the JCT-40/60. The JCT is designed for baggage handling tasks as well as towing of heavy cargo. Thanks to its high drawbar pull (up to 4500 daN) it can also be used to push back small/medium aircraft.
The JCT is a tractor developed to convey safely cargo on long distance at a maximal speed of 30 km/h, in outstanding comfort conditions for the operator. It comes with adjustable suspended seats for the driver/co-driver, and with a fully instrumented control panel.
The JCT series offer two engine versions of 56 and 75 kW. Each of them is designed to meet two emission standards: Tier 3 and Tier 4F.
As all TLD equipment, JCT is designed to be simple, reliable and easy to maintain.