The Sage Parts Ramptech PCA Adaptor is engineered with 360-degree wear-guards and a circular handle designed to surround and protect PCA ducting and the adaptor itself. This eliminates possible damage to ducting caused by ground contact while preventing harm to operators’ hands resulting from worn, sharp edges on the handle. Other features include: an integrated 360-degree swivel designed to ensure proper ducting alignment and maximize ergonomics, making the adaptor easier to connect to and remove from any size aircraft; a special guard lip that provides full-seal gasket protection and makes certain the gasket remains intact and reliable while ensuring proper fit to the aircraft and eliminating air leakage; tool-free changing of the gasket; and high open area rodent screen for optimal air flow. The Sage Parts Ramptech PCA Adaptor is lightweight, fits any aircraft and any locking configuration, and is maintenance-free.