Ramp Communications

Bixby, OK 74008-2436


About Ramp Communications

Unrivaled Headset Repair Masters. Globally Trusted for 48 years.

Product Summary

Ramp Communications is not just any repair shop – we're the best in the industry. No other company repairs more David Clark airline/airport headsets in the USA, and our quality, expertise, speed, and price are unmatched. But don't take our word for it – our satisfied customers speak for themselves!  


11110 S 82nd East Place
Suite C
Bixby, OK 74008-2436

More Info on Ramp Communications

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Ramp Communications sells and repairs David Clark wired and wireless headsets used during pushback, deicing, and maintenance operations. We are the unrivaled headset repair masters for over 48 years! So why wait? Don't let broken headsets slow you down. Stay ahead of the game so your flights push back on time. Contact us today for all your headset repair needs.

Products and Press Releases

H9930 Web
Headsets & Communication

Ground Support Headset Repair

Oct. 21, 2020
Ramp Communications can help keep David Clark wired and wireless headsets and accessories in good working order. The company offers fast repair turnaround times, with factory-...
Rampcommunicationsinc 10017693
Headsets & Communication

Headset Sales and Services

Oct. 23, 2018
Ramp Communications sells and repairs David Clark wired and wireless headsets used during pushback, deicing and maintenance operations. The company services more David Clark headsets...
Headset40990g01 10441042 6ejg6x39vrsfi Cuf
Headsets & Communication

Ground Support Headsets

June 27, 2012
Ramp communications at today’s busy airports can be difficult at best, with the engine noise from all types of service vehicles and the roar of jet engines making it difficult...


Tim Durham



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