Recently I attended the EBACE trade show in Geneva, Switzerland. Given the situation business aviation has been dealing with, the turnout was excellent, attendance numbers were healthy, and positive attitudes were in style.
In the opening session, Brian Humphries, European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) president, spoke about how the EU economy is following the United States’ downward slope and how sustainability will bring value to business aviation. He also discussed how EBAA is fighting to prevent proposed regulations from further damaging business aviation. It seems that the confusing regulations (threats) to general aviation we face in the states are also overseas. Brian summed this up with what he calls “strangulation by regulation.”
Overall EBACE 2009 was a great experience — aircraft sales were still being made and the trade show floors were bustling.
I’m sure by now most of you have heard the news about PAMA and SAE’s separation. With this news I believe the aviation maintenance community has recently been introduced to a great opportunity — the possibility for a large, industry-supported association. Doesn’t it make sense to have one large, unified voice representing aircraft maintenance professionals?
AMTSociety is growing faster than ever, and with dedicated members like yourselves this will lead to even greater networking opportunities, regional IA renewals, and more member benefits. What better time than now, when our country is rebounding, to bring these two organizations together? Just imagine the combined resources available and the future opportunities for mechanics!
This year’s Maintenance Skills Competition at the Aviation Industry Expo was better than ever. Wouldn’t it be great to double or even triple the number of teams of mechanics participating? I encourage you to stay tuned and join in; the future organization of aircraft mechanics is here. Let’s continue to grow stronger, larger, and more beneficial than ever before!
Until next time we’ll see you online at
Thanks for reading!
Jon Jezo