Money Trouble: At Tampa, the focus is on financial challenges - for airports, airlines, security
By John F. Infanger, Editorial Director & Jodi Richards, Associate Editor
Money Trouble
At Tampa, the focus is on financial challenges - for airports, airlines, security TAMPA - U.S. Rep. John Mica (R-FL), chairman of the House Aviation Subcommittee, opened the 12th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Airports Council International - North America with an admission, "I call TSA the little bastard that I helped create." For airports, the Transportation Security Administration has become the agency du jour, and an ongoing point of discussion, particularly as it relates to funding. In line as the other hot topics: the air carriers, their future, and the impact of their economic situation on airports
Congressman Mica adds
that a top priority for him has become seeing that airports and TSA are
able to work together to make the system safe and operational - "if
it's the last thing I do before I leave Congress."
David Plavin, ACI-NA president, says that with all the issues facing airports
- security, airline economics, funding, local control, and competition
plans, among others - he has an overriding concern that leaders in Washington
do not have a clear idea of what the U.S. aviation "system"
should look like and become. More than ever, he says, airports need to
be unleashed to be allowed to be more market-based in their operation.
"For years, airports had been regulation magnets," he comments.
Mica calls the current impasse in Congress over aviation funding reauthorization
a result of "unreasonable" efforts by the National Air Traffic
Controllers Association, especially since the legislation being held up
actually guarantees that 94 percent of controllers' jobs will not be privatized
through the bill's four-year duration. The legislation would provide some
$14 billion for airport infrastructure.
However, funding for airport/ TSA security is a different matter, and
Congress is stalling on distribution of those dollars as well, caught
between determining how much money is enough to secure the system while
keeping a rein on TSA budgeters.
Admits Admiral James Schear of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),
"We have shortfalls that need to be addressed." He equates the
effort to determine funding levels and dissemination of dollars to trying
to change a fan belt while a car is running.
FAA associate administrator for airports Woodie Woodward comments that
TSA's money challenges are going to increase because FAA is no longer
going to help with the distribution of funds, something it had agreed
to continue through the 2003 fiscal year. "TSA is having a very difficult
time," she says.
Changing technologies and cargo security are other major hurdles facing
TSA, says Stewart Verdery, assistant secretary for policy & planning
for DHS. "TSA will need a toolbox of technologies" for cargo,
he comments, and says that achieving secure cargo will require a partnership
of all the affected parties.
Verdery explains that several airports in the coming months will become
test beds for the proposed trusted traveler and transportation worker
identification card (TWIC) programs, as well as TSA's CAPPS II initiative,
which he terms a "threat-based system."
* * *
Other notes ...
TransCore, Inc. has developed and employed Automatic Vehicle Identification
(AVI), a wireless data collection tool with landside/airside applications
for tracking. AVI tracks patron and employee parking, ground transportation,
taxi dispatch, and common vehicle operation. Comprised of tags/ transponders,
readers, in-lane controllers, and database/control systems. AVI is installed
at LAX, Heathrow, and John Wayne International Airport.
Lockheed Martin is selected by the Allegheny County (PA) Airport Authority
to lead an $8.8 million security upgrade that will integrate and enhance
the current baggage handling system with an automated explosives detection
inspection process at Pittsburgh International.