raison d'etre
Who we are, and why
Paul Bowers, Publisher
February 2000
This past summer we conducted some fairly extensive market research on the publication to see how we rate in coverage, presentation, and overall usefulness to the circulation we serve.
The market research indicates that we have a loyal following in all portions of our circulation. Managers are actively reading the magazine and using it to make purchasing decisions and manage their facilities.
The newer look signifies that we are simply updating styles that present the basic messages in the magazine, nothing more.
Interestingly, our research indicated that large airports thought that our editorial focused on small airports or general aviation. Conversely, FBOs thought that we had too much airport — particularly large airport — coverage. Consultants thought that we focused only on general aviation and — well, you get the picture. However, we never will have enough coverage of one area to fit into an easy "label".
The truth is that AIRPORT BUSINESS is a magazine for the management of airports, airport-based businesses, and those working with either of these two groups. It's unique in that it is the only publication that touches both audiences. This is done because these are the folks who are integrally involved in the overall success of the business of an airport. And, both groups purchase many of the same products.
The magazine is intended for the North American marketplace, even though at times you may see editorial emanating from other locations.
There are many fine publications either catering to one specific group operating at airports or their trade associations. But, by their nature they are generally presenting one side of the story and suppliers must resign themselves to only reaching a portion of their targeted market.
AIRPORT BUSINESS reaches all these managers — both in terms of editorial and circulation. Our readership includes managers of airports and FBOs of all sizes. A look at our trade show travel schedule includes stops at NATA, AAAE, ACI, ACC, inter airport, NBAA, Buffalo Snow Symposium, HAI, GSE Expo — you get the idea.
Ultimately, the success of the magazine comes down to readership. We appreciate your participation and hope you enjoy the new look.