
Brandon, FL 33510


About Aeromarine-LSA


1960 Fruitridge St
Brandon, FL 33510
United States of America

More Info on Aeromarine-LSA

Aeromarine LSA is managed by Chip W. Erwin, a serial entrepreneur with 40+ years experience in bringing affordable aircraft to the market.

His focus now is developing and promoting the new class of ‘Personal Sport Aircraft’ which means bringing aircraft to the market than a lot more people can actually afford to buy an fly.

Products and Press Releases

Merlin Low Altitude 56c3087e5fb3c
Business & General Aviation

First USA Merlin PSA Flying

Feb. 16, 2016
The Merlin PSA (Personal Sport Aircraft) is an Experimental – Amateur-Built class aircraft that fits inside the “LSA box” and can be flown under LSA pilot/medical rules.
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Business & General Aviation

New to USA the Merlin PSA: Personal Sport Aircraft

Dec. 20, 2015
Available now as a quick-build E-AB (Experimental Amateur-Built) class aircraft.
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Trade Associations & Events

Zigolo Ultralight Introduced to China

July 22, 2014
Both electric and gas–powered Zigolo ultralights will be on display and in the air at AirVenture Oshkosh 2014.
Zigolo Electric Flight

Zigolo: The First Demonstrably Practical, Legal Electric Ultralight?

May 2, 2014
This may be the first true Part 103-compliant fixed-wing aircraft to fly into a major airshow under electric power.

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