More Info on Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI)
MHI's products include aerospace and automotive components, air conditioners, elevators, forklift trucks, hydraulic equipment, printing machines, missiles, tanks, power systems, ships, aircraft, railway systems, and space launch vehicles.
The aircraft took off from Nagoya Airport and went through a series of trials to confirm basic maneuvers including climbing, descent and circling operations.
The order for capacity expansion includes new APM cars, as well as upgrades and additions to signaling and communication systems and related station facilities.
In preparation for production increase of composite wing boxes for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, MHI expanded the facility due to Boeing's plan to increase the 787's production rate...
The framework has been laid to establish an industrial cluster centered on the Matsusaka Plant for the integrated production lines of small parts for commercial aircraft, and ...
Going forward, MHI and Mitsubishi Aircraft will implement intensive flight test after the first flight and accelerate manufacture of the aircraft towards first delivery, as scheduled...
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI), IHI Corporation and the Development Bank of Japan Inc. (DBJ) concluded a three-way formal agreement on a new commercial aero engine company...
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. will make investments for production facilities at Shimonoseki Shipyard & Machinery Works (Shimonoseki) and Nagoya Aerospace Systems Works (Nagoya...
It will design, build, operate, and maintain three separate Automated People Mover (APM) systems at the Orlando International Airport (OIA) in Orlando, Florida, to be completed...
For the MRJ's flight-related needs, the company is hoping to use Nagoya Airport in Aichi Prefecture, with Kitakyushu Airport in Fukuoka Prefecture serving in a subordinate role...