Auburn University

Auburn, AL 36849


About Auburn University


Auburn, AL 36849
United States of America

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Auburn University
Student employees in the Industry Design Experience for Auburn Students, or IDEAS, program stand by a blow-up replica of the Space Launch System they are working on. Pictured are& Regan Clare, junior in mechanical engineering; Ashley Eng, junior in mechanical& engineering; Jessica Ruiz, junior in mechanical& engineering; Matthew Gillis, senior in mechanical& engineering& and applied mathematics; and Bradley Conrad, senior in mechanical engineering.
Education & Training

Auburn University and Boeing: Training and Inspiring Future Engineers

Nov. 15, 2022
Boeing is providing opportunities for dozens of Auburn Engineering undergraduate students to obtain hands-on, real-world design experience on groundbreaking aerospace projects...
Auburn University
Auburn University is ranked in the top 11% of U.S. research institutions, coming in at No. 100 among 915 universities, according to the National Science Foundation’s recent Higher Education Research and Development, or HERD, Survey. Pictured, scientists in Auburn’s National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence conduct fatigue testing on an additively manufactured part.
Education & Training

Auburn University Ranks among Top U.S. Research Institutions in National Science Foundation Survey

Feb. 22, 2022
Auburn University is ranked in the top 11% of U.S. research institutions, coming in at No. 100 among 915 universities, according to the National Science Foundation's recent Higher...
Auburn University
Auburn students in the Department of Aviation — like 2016 grad Ashley Tucker, shown here during her time on the Plains — learn all aspects of the aviation business and are training to be the industry’s leaders of the future. Tucker is now a First Officer at SkyWest Airlines.
Schools & Colleges

Auburn Department of Aviation Flying High, Poised for Great Future Despite Pandemic

Dec. 4, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has shuttered businesses, curbed progress in countless areas and stunted growth across the globe, but Auburn University’s Department of Aviation has weathered...

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