SIMONA Boltaron Inc.

Newcomerstown , OH 43832


About SIMONA Boltaron Inc.


1 General St
Newcomerstown , OH 43832
United States of America
+1 800-342-7444

More Info on SIMONA Boltaron Inc.

SIMONA Boltaron is a leading supplier of thermoplastic sheet products for aircraft interiors, including seats, fittings, and other components.

  • Strength and durability
  • Resistance to harsh environmental conditions
  • High-quality surface design
  • Variety of colors and structures
  • Thermoformability
  • Impact strength

Products and Press Releases

Boltaron 046 Mike Hoppes thermoforming engineer 5b3b765fc6de7

Boltaron Hires Mike Hoppes, Thermoforming Engineer

July 3, 2018
Newcomerstown, Ohio (June 28, 2018) – Boltaron Inc – A SIMONA Company, is pleased to announce the addition of Michael Hoppes to the position of Thermoforming Engineer.In the spirit...

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