PlaneSense Adds Grob spn Light Jet to Fractional Fleet

Sept. 26, 2007

LONDONDERRY, N.H., Sept. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- PlaneSense(R), the fractionalaircraft ownership program managed by New Hampshire-based Alpha Flying, Inc.,has announced it will enhance its current fleet of Pilatus PC-12 turboprops in2008 with the Grob spn light twin jet. Alpha Flying has placed 25 firm ordersand options for the new aircraft.

PlaneSense's successful business model for regional operations created byfounder George Antoniadis in 1996 capitalizes on the PC-12's superb cabinsize, extremely efficient economics and exceptional short-field performance,allowing flights into thousands of smaller airports not served by the majorairlines or most private jets. PlaneSense currently focuses its services eastof the Mississippi.

"As we looked at the future of PlaneSense," says Antoniadis, "weunderstood that some of existing and potential owners want to move up to anaircraft that could cover distance more quickly. While our owners arecompletely satisfied with the cost savings of the PC-12, the need surfaced toadd an aircraft that could shorten flight times to Florida, the Bahamas andthe Midwest, while opening up Bermuda as a destination. Since PlaneSense shareowners have grown accustomed to the time savings realized by operations intosmaller general aviation airports, we needed an aircraft that would be the'PC-12 of the jets.' The Grob spn fits that bill exactly, with its large,comfortable cabin, 3000-foot balanced field performance, ability to operatefrom unimproved strips, comparatively inexpensive operating costs, andbusiness jet speed up to 41,000 feet."

Grob Aerospace is known for its innovative designs and multi-decadeexperience of manufacturing carbon fiber airframes. Built with cutting-edgeGerman carbon fiber composite engineering and enhanced aerodynamics, the spndelivers operating costs lower than any other business jet in its class. It ispowered by two Williams FJ44-3A turbofan engines with a projected maximumcruise speed of 415 kts and NBAA-IFR range of 1,800 nm. The spn is also thefirst light business jet to fly with the enhanced Honeywell Primus Apexintegrated avionics system in an ergonomic, Porsche-designed all-glass cockpitenvironment that reduces pilot workload.

The Grob spn brings to the light jet class a new synergy of comfort andtechnology. The Porsche Design Studio engineered a spacious, modern cabin forthe spn. Passengers will appreciate the elegance of luxury materialsthroughout and the largest windows of all the light jets. Because of thecabin-cross section, the spn offers more head and shoulder room to its seatedpassengers than any other jet of its class. The PlaneSense configurationoffers six-passenger executive seating with an enclosed rear lavatory and acomfortable galley in the front.

The spn is slated to begin service in the PlaneSense fractional ownershipfleet soon after it receives FAA certification in mid-2008. "We expect to seea more versatile PlaneSense with the addition of the spn, and a continuingsteady growth in the PC-12 fleet," Antoniadis says.

Pricing and program details to be announced in the near future. For moreinformation on either the new PlaneSense fractional program Grob spn twin jetor the existing Pilatus PC-12 turboprop, visit orcall 800-603-5937.

Photo of PlaneSense President and CEO George Antoniadis(Photo Credit: Martin Berinstein):

Photo of a Grob spn twin-jet aircraft: Press Contact: Pat Reed, Vice President of Sales [email protected] 800-603-5937

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SOURCE PlaneSense