ATLANTA , Sept. 25 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Garmin International Inc., aunit of Garmin Ltd. (Nasdaq: GRMN), today announced that Piper Aircraft hasselected Garmin for the PiperJet's avionics suite. This announcement was madeat the 60th annual National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) meeting andconvention, which is one-year after Piper unveiled the innovative PiperJet.
"The PiperJet's revolutionary design and impressive performance havepositioned it to be another great Piper aircraft," said Gary Kelley , Garmin'svice president of marketing. "We are proud to join the PiperJet team at suchan exciting time and believe that this announcement is yet another example ofour commitment to serve the entry-level business jet market."
"The PiperJet is a revolutionary new aircraft combining performance,style, utility, capability and pricing," said James K. Bass, president and CEOof Piper Aircraft. "Piper has had a long and close history with Garmin, andwe are excited about what they will bring to the PiperJet. Simply put, inselecting Garmin for the PiperJet, we focused on state-of-the-art avionics fora best-in-class aircraft."
Although the PiperJet is not scheduled for delivery until 2010, PiperJetcustomers can rest assured that Garmin's all-glass avionics suite will includethe latest, state-of-the-art technology that customers expect from Garmin.
-- The primary flight displays (PFDs) digitally integrate flight information on two, large-format displays for easy interpretation by the pilot. The PFDs interface with Garmin's Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), which features rapid, in-motion alignment -- and can reliably align, even while the aircraft is in flight. -- The multifunction display (MFD) puts all aircraft systems monitoring and flight-planning functions at the pilot's fingertips. The MFD depicts a composite view of the aircraft's environment, enhancing situational awareness to provide the pilot with key information to make safe decisions during each phase of flight. Engine performance and situational data such as location, terrain, traffic, weather and airport information are all digitally depicted and can be easily interpreted at a glance on the large-format display. -- Included will be the seamless integration of Garmin's Automatic Flight Control System, an attitude based, three-axis autopilot that makes it possible for pilots to maintain airspeed references and optimize performance over the entire airspeed envelope.Piper announced the PiperJet at the 2006 NBAA. The PiperJet's clean sheetdesign incorporates a single-engine Williams FJ44-3AP engine for optimumefficiency and performance. Initial aircraft deliveries are expected in 2010.
About Garmin International Inc.
Garmin International Inc. is a member of the Garmin Ltd. (Nasdaq: GRMN)group of companies which designs, manufactures, markets, and sells navigation,communication and information devices and applications -- most of which areenabled by GPS technology. Garmin is a leader in consumer and general aviationnavigation and its products serve the automotive/mobile, outdoor/fitness,marine, and aviation markets. Garmin Ltd. is incorporated in the CaymanIslands , and its principal subsidiaries are located in the United States , Taiwan and the United Kingdom . For more information, visit Garmin's virtualpressroom at or contact the Media Relationsdepartment at 913-397-8200. Garmin is a registered trademark of Garmin Ltd. orits subsidiaries. Anticipated product availability dates are based onmanagement's current expectations and are not guaranteed.All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marksare the properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Notice on forward-looking statements:
This release includes forward-looking statements regarding Garmin Ltd. andits business. All statements regarding the company's future productintroductions are forward-looking statements. Such statements are based onmanagement's current expectations. The forward-looking events andcircumstances discussed in this release may not occur and actual results coulddiffer materially as a result of known and unknown risk factors anduncertainties affecting Garmin, including, but not limited to, the riskfactors listed in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December30, 2006 filed by Garmin with the Securities and Exchange Commission(Commission file number 000-31983). A copy of Garmin's Form 10-K can bedownloaded at forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Forward-looking statementsspeak only as of the date on which they are made and Garmin undertakes noobligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whetheras a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
SOURCE Garmin International Inc.