SAO JOSE DOS CAMPOS, Brazil , Sept. 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Embraershowcases its executive jets portfolio during this year's National BusinessAviation Association (NBAA) 60th Annual Meeting & Convention, held at the Georgia World Congress Center, in Atlanta , Ga., September 25-27. In the event,Embraer will exhibit the new interior of the Legacy 600, full-scale mock-upsof the Phenom 100 and Phenom 300, and a cabin section of the Lineage 1000. Inaddition, the Company will show, for the first time, its concept for two newexecutive jets.
"We are pleased to display our full line of executive jets at this year'sNBAA annual convention," said Luis Carlos Affonso, Embraer's Executive VicePresident, Executive Jets. "We are certain that visitors will enjoy theexperience of the enhanced Legacy 600, as well as the opportunity to explorenew products and new concepts through full-scale mock-ups."
Embraer will hold a press conference on Monday, September 24 , at 11:00a.m. , in room B207 of the convention hall, which will be attended by theCompany's President and CEO Frederico Fleury Curado, as well as Luis Carlos Affonso and other corporate officers.
The first Legacy 600 jet equipped with the interior enhancements announcedlast May will be on display in the static area. These improvements includeredesigned seats, a slimmer valence, and enhanced cabin soundproofing. Newfeatures have also been added to the galley for further convenience during in-flight service. A mock-up of the Phenom 100 very light jet will also bedisplayed.
Full-scale mock-ups of the Phenom 300 extended cabin light jet (to beshown in the U.S. for the first time) and a section of the cabin of theLineage 1000 ultra-large jet may be visited at the Company's booth 3737. Thenew Phenom 300 cabin length (35 centimeters, or 14 inches, longer) wasannounced last May and will provide greater passenger comfort and increasedfloor plan flexibility.
Note to Editors
Embraer (Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. - NYSE: ERJ; Bovespa:EMBR3) is the world's largest manufacturer of Commercial jets up to 120 seats,and one of Brazil's leading exporters. Embraer's headquarters are located inSao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo , and it has offices, industrial operations andcustomer service facilities in Brazil , the United States , France , Portugal , China and Singapore . Founded in 1969, the Company designs, develops,manufactures and sells aircraft for the Commercial Aviation, ExecutiveAviation, and Defense and Government segments. The Company also provides aftersales support and services to customers worldwide. On June 30, 2007 , Embraerhad a workforce of 23,637 employees and a firm order backlog of US$ 15.6billion.
This document may contain projections, statements and estimates regardingcircumstances or events yet to take place. Those projections and estimates arebased largely on current expectations, forecasts on future events andfinancial tendencies that affect Embraer's businesses. Those estimates aresubject to risks, uncertainties and suppositions that include, among others:general economic, political and trade conditions in Brazil and in thosemarkets where Embraer does business; expectations on industry trends; theCompany's investment plans; its capacity to develop and deliver products onthe dates previously agreed upon, and existing and future governmentalregulations. The words "believe", "may", "is able", "will be able", "intend","continue", "anticipate", "expect" and other similar terms are supposed toidentify potentialities. Embraer does not feel compelled to publish updatesnor to revise any estimates due to new information, future events or any otherfacts. In view of the inherent risks and uncertainties, such estimates, eventsand circumstances may not take place. The actual results can therefore differsubstantially from those previously published as Embraer expectations.
SOURCE Embraer