At Richmond International Airport, Fire Chief Jim Nilo takes the wheel of a computer-based driving simulator.
"We're one of five airports in the country participating in a study to develop a low-cost driving simulator," Nilo said.
The FAA's Office of Runway Safety and Operational Services joined the airport in buying about $2,700 worth of driving simulator hardware. Much of the technology was developed at Volpe National Transportation Systems, a federally funded research center in Cambridge, Mass.
Nilo said he hopes to build a customized program with many of the airport's nooks and crannies - all the while using off-the-shelf material.
Drivers can try their hand at everything from regular sedans around the airport grounds to the more difficult task of driving a fuel truck.
"We began building a virtual Richmond airport," Nilo said, grasping a steering wheel from a PlayStation 2 video game. "It's specific to Richmond. That's what's unique."
Work on the simulator began long before the fuel-truck accidents this year, he noted.
"Can you wreck this?" he asked in response to a question. "Most certainly you can."
A visitor to the virtual driving range gunned the engine of a virtual fuel truck. The truck quickly turned over, sending tiny puffs of white smoke into the simulated sky.
Better here than in real life.
The Flight Safety Foundation in Alexandria, a nonprofit group that studies aviation safety, says airport incidents cost airlines and general aviation operators nearly $11 billion a year in property and personal-injury costs. Here are some mishaps reported this year by American carriers:
* Jan. 5, Seattle: An Alaska Airlines 737, parked at boarding gate, was accidentally pulled forward by a tug. Result: Fuselage scratched, no injuries reported.
* Jan. 16, El Paso, Texas: A mechanic was killed when he was sucked into the jet engine of a Continental Airlines 737 as he checked an oil leak.
* Jan. 17, Chicago: A United Airlines A319 jet collided at the gate with a baggage loader. One engine had minor damage; no one injured.
* March 22, Boston: A US Airways jetway collapsed while it unloaded 120 passengers. A mechanic and passenger were injured.
SOURCES: Seattle Times and Federal Aviation Administration.
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