LOS ANGELES, CA, 08/02/05 / MARKET WIRE/ -- Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) has released a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the South Airfield Improvement Project at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).
The Draft EIR was released for public review on Monday (August 1, 2005) and will be available for review and comment until September 15, 2005. All documents, including appendices, will be available for review at www.laxmasterplan.org, and at public libraries and other locations.
The proposed project consists of the relocation of Runway 7R/25L approximately 55 feet to the south and the construction of a new center parallel taxiway between the two south runways. These improvements were identified as part of the LAX Master Plan and were generally analyzed in the LAX Master Plan EIR, certified by the Los Angeles City Council in December 2004. The purpose of these improvements is to enhance the safety of LAX operations by reducing the potential for runway incursions.
As required by the California Environmental Quality Act, LAWA will prepare written responses to all comments on the Draft EIR received by 5 p.m. PDT, Thursday, September 15, 2005.
A public workshop to learn more about the project and how to comment on the Draft EIR will be held from 4 p.m. to 7 pm. at the Hilton Center for Business, Loyola Marymount University, One LMU Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90045. No decisions on the project will be made at the public workshop.