More eatery options at Tampa Airport

Jan. 10, 2012
Tampa International Airport will soon be getting a new menu of restaurant options with the opening of Green Iguana, Mise En Place, Cigar City Brewing, and the Columbia Cafe. The new facilities will be ready by March. The new eatery offerings are part of a more extensive system aimed to expand airport concessions revenues by over $1.2 million in the 2012 fiscal year. Other eatery and retail perceptions additionally comprise a Shula Burger, Legoland tickets, products from such local attractions as Busch Gardens and Lowry Park Zoo, improvements to present shops, the opening of mojito bars and fresh fruit stands at airsides and new marketing alternatives.

Tampa International Airport will soon be getting a new menu of restaurant options with the opening of Green Iguana, Mise En Place, Cigar City Brewing, and the Columbia Cafe. The new facilities will be ready by March. The new eatery offerings are part of a more extensive system aimed to expand airport concessions revenues by over $1.2 million in the 2012 fiscal year. Other eatery and retail perceptions additionally comprise a Shula Burger, Legoland tickets, products from such local attractions as Busch Gardens and Lowry Park Zoo, improvements to present shops, the opening of mojito bars and fresh fruit stands at airsides and new marketing alternatives.

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