US Air chief Wants Merger Now

July 13, 2012
Parker frustrated that overtures to American have gone unanswered

Doug Parker, the CEO of US Airways, is a frustrated man.

The head of the nation's fourth-biggest network airline says he hasn't been able to press his case with American Airlines' executives and its creditors that the best path out of bankruptcy for the nation's third-biggest network airline is to merge with him.

So he's taking his case public. He told USA TODAY's Editorial Board on Wednesday that the only way American -- and US Airways, for that matter -- can survive is to combine to compete with giants United and Delta, the nation's biggest carriers, which have gone through mergers of their own in the last four years.

"What we're talking about here is a proposal not to break up the company, but rather, to make it stronger," he said. "We're -- unfortunately, because of the bankruptcy process -- having a little bit of trouble."

A day after American CEO Tom Horton wrote a letter to employees saying that he's open to the idea of a possible merger with parties he did not name, Parker, 50, told the Editorial Board that he's yet to hear from Horton.

Since American's parent company, AMR, declared bankruptcy in November, its executives have said that they want to emerge from it as an independent entity. American has until Dec. 28 to come up with a plan for restructuring itself as a stand-alone company. But in his letter, Horton said that the company has made progress in its efforts to restructure, posting higher revenue for the third-consecutive month in June and reaching tentative new agreements with labor unions.

All that has led him to conclude "that it now makes sense to carefully evaluate a range of strategic options, including potential mergers, which could make the new American even stronger."

It's a conclusion that many airline executives have made in recent years as they've tried to survive a down economy and higher fuel costs. Delta merged with Northwest, and United merged with Continental, making them the two most powerful network airlines in the nation. Even low-cost carriers have decided they can't go it alone: Southwest acquired AirTran.

Parker is a veteran when it comes to mergers, both successful and unsuccessful. He was at the helm of America West when it merged with US Airways in 2005. Since then, he's been courting others, most notably Delta. He failed to close that deal, partly because he couldn't win the support of employees.

This time, he's got American's labor unions on his side, having aggressively lobbied them by pledging to save jobs.

Parker is arguing that this is American's last, best shot for a successful merger. But in many ways, it's also Parker's last, best shot. "This would be the last consolidation of large network carriers," he said.

Joining forces against United and Delta, he said, would benefit consumers by creating competition. US Airways' strong East Coast presence plus American's global network would make them a force to be reckoned with, he said.

United and Delta, he said, "are doing a really nice job of building a global brand that can be everything to everyone. But there are only two of them. This would create a third, and choice is good for consumers."

Analysts say American could remain a stand-alone company if it forged more regional and mainline code-share partnerships to fly into cities not on its route map. But if it merges, US Airways is probably the best option, says Ray Neidl, an airline analyst at the Maxim Group. A merger with Delta would not get Department of Justice antitrust approval, and niche carriers such as Alaska Airlines have cultures that wouldn't mix well with American, he says.

Airline consultant Darryl Jenkins says US Airways should be patient and let American go through the bankruptcy process. "It is not any slower than any other (bankruptcy)," he says.

American didn't address Parker's comments and said in an e-mail to USA TODAY that it would be "measuring a range of alternatives against our strong stand-alone plan in a deliberate manner, determined solely by the facts."

Parker said he thought Horton's statements in his letter were promising but that he is "skeptical right now about their true intention."

Parker said he wants only "a fair chance to put our proposal up against the American stand-alone plan and let the people who own that company -- the creditors of the company -- decide which one they prefer."

"We believe if we do that, we will certainly prevail," he said. "That's what we're asking for."

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