Conklin & de Decker Update Budgeting Tool Life Cycle Cost 2011 Volume II

Aug. 17, 2011
Live demonstrations of the latest LIFE CYCLE COST program will be available at the NBAA 64th Annual Meeting and Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, October 10-12, 2011 at booth #N2317.

Orleans, MA – August 2011 -- Conklin & de Decker announced the latest release of their innovative LIFE CYCLE COST 2011 Volume II. The most comprehensive aircraft budget and financial analysis tool available, LIFE CYCLE COST from Conklin & de Decker, provides aircraft owners, operators, flight department managers, and aircraft consultants with extensive ownership and operating cost data for nearly 400 jets, turboprops, helicopters and piston aircraft.

The LIFE CYCLE COST (LCC) budgeting software is part of a family of aircraft operating & acquisition products developed by Conklin & de Decker that puts all cost aspects of owning and operating an aircraft into one easy-to-use program. Updated aircraft acquisition costs, taxes, fuel, maintenance and all other operating costs are included in this business aviation budgeting tool.

This LIFE CYCLE COST update also includes new features that will enhance and make the budgeting process more complete. Subscribers to the latest LCC will be able to quickly calculate 100% Bonus Depreciation tax, edit each engine’s costs, make warranty adjustments for re-engined aircraft, and benefit from the change in the residual value data entry. There are also 5 more aircraft added to this new database:

Jets - Hawker 800XPR, 328 Support Services 328 DBJ

Turboprop - Extra 500

Piston - Diamond DA42 L360

Helicopter - Guimbal Helicopters Cabri G2

In addition, fuel and maintenance costs, as well as, aircraft acquisition prices have all been updated. Other features of LIFE CYCLE COST include the ability to:

• Edit the maintenance costs, or add your own data.

• Choose a guaranteed maintenance program, or “pay as you go.”

• Name your own “Other” cost per hour and “Other” cost per year categories.

• Show managed aircraft with or without supplemental charter.

• Compare New versus Used with only a few clicks.

• Prepare cash flows that a CFO will love!

Live demonstrations of the latest LIFE CYCLE COST program and all the other Conklin & de Decker products will be available at the NBAA 64th Annual Meeting and Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, October 10-12, 2011 at booth #N2317.

Running LIFE CYCLE COST requires a Windows PC with Microsoft Excel 97 or later. Mac users will experience limited program functionality with the Mac version of Excel. Database options include Jets, Turboprops, Helicopters, Pistons and the major US-based Fractional Ownership programs. Prices for the software (delivered in the US/Canada) are $695 for the jets database, $550 for the turboprop or helicopter database and $450 for the piston database. The Fractional database is free with the purchase of any other LIFE CYCLE COST database. A single aircraft version is also available. Users can specify from one to five aircraft and pay for only those aircraft that they need. Pricing is $225 for the first aircraft, with a 20% discount when ordering more than one aircraft.

About Conklin & de Decker

Conklin & de Decker, celebrating over 25 years in business, is a leader in aviation research, consulting and education with offices in Orleans, Massachusetts, Arlington, Texas and Phoenix, Arizona. The company, founded in 1984, focuses on fixed- and rotary- wing aircraft operating cost, performance and specification databases, maintenance management software, financial management, fleet planning, market research, aviation tax issues, and financial, tax and management seminars. Conklin & de Decker consult with numerous individuals, corporations and government agencies worldwide. More information on their products and services and copies of articles published section can be found on their website,