New Abaris Textbook Covers Basics of Composites

Feb. 1, 2010
“Essentials of Advanced Composite Fabrication & Repair” provides a thorough education in the basics of composites for beginners, yet will also keep longtime professionals up to date.

Abaris Training presents the most up-to-date and comprehensive text on composite materials recently published by Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc. “Essentials of Advanced Composite Fabrication & Repair” provides a thorough education in the basics of composites for beginners, yet will also keep longtime professionals up to date in the ever-evolving advanced composite materials industry.

"Abaris has developed and formatted this composites book in such a manner that it will appeal to both professionals and new engineers just starting in the composites field. It is well organized, has a lot of tables, graphics and available information at one's instant reach. The publication is very practical for use in composites seminar, course or tutorial instruction because it provides numerous examples along the way,” said Scott Beckwith, International Technical Director for the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE).

“Most composites books have limited focus and do not represent the rapid changes that are currently on-going. This book should be an excellent resource to those working, or planning to work, within the composites field," Beckwith said.

The book, which now accompanies Abaris basic courses: Advanced Composite Structures Fabrication & Damage Repair; Phase I and II, draws from the academic knowledge and practical experience of two of Abaris’ professional staff, Lou Dorworth and Greg Mellema, along with the expertise of technical writer and researcher Ginger Gardiner. Combined, they have poured over 80 years of experience into this work, which also includes authoritative contributions from leading industry experts.

Since the book is designed for Abaris’ students who learn by way of an exceptional combination of classroom and integrated hands-on lab exercises, it provides an excellent learning guide filled with clear illustrations, relevant photos, and a substantial amount of technical data all in one place.

“This book brings it all together for the composite fabrication or repair technician looking for a comprehensive source of advanced composite materials information,” Dorworth said. “It is a “must-have” item for every repair shop’s technical library.”

The Abaris style has broad, user-friendly appeal to a wide range of practitioners from the aircraft mechanic on the hangar floor to designers and manufacturers of products ranging from fishing poles and tennis rackets to race cars to wind blades. It is remarkable for its comprehensive lists of materials, procedures, testing methods and technical terminology. The depth of the knowledge presented serves as an outstanding reference tool for the degreed engineer, yet the text does not overwhelm the technician on the shop floor with chemistry and mathematics, as is typically the case with books of this caliber.

The new book is available from ASA Inc. of Newcastle, Wash., a leader in the development and sale of aviation supplies, software and publications for all aviation industry sectors, including aviation technicians. Visit ASA at It is also available at has been setting standards for hands-on technical training in advanced composite design, repair, manufacture and inspection since 1983. Abaris Training currently offers over 20 courses, teaching accepted best-practices for engineers, supervisors and technicians in Reno, NV., Griffin, GA., the U.K., and at customer locations worldwide. For more information, visit or call 775-827-6568.