The DFC90 from Avidyne is an attitude-based digital autopilot system that is designed as a slide-in replacement for the S-TEC55X autopilot in existing Entegra-equipped Cirrus SR20 and SR22 aircraft. The significant performance and safety benefits of the attitude-based DFC90 make it a very attractive upgrade for the more than 4,000 owners of Entegra-equipped Cirrus aircraft. The Release 8 software and Mod 55 PFD hardware upgrades enable the DFC90 autopilot to take advantage of the precision attitude information of Entegra’s integrated Air Data and Attitude Heading Reference System (ADAHRS), without the need for costly wiring changes to the aircraft. It has all the standard vertical and lateral modes of operation of a turbine-class autopilot system, including flight director (FD), altitude hold (ALT), airspeed hold (IAS), vertical speed hold (VS), heading (HDG), and navigation (NAV, APPR, LOC/GS, GPSS). Flight Envelope Protection guards against autopilot-induced stalls (underspeed) and overspeeds, and the “Straight & Level” button provides one-touch recovery from unusual attitudes. The DFC90 is a slide-in replacement for the STC 55X. No wiring changes are required which dramatically reduces down time and installation cost. For more information visit